Thursday, January 17, 2013

No one Protecting American masses against ‘The Revenge of Obama’

- Judi McLeod

In an increasingly upside-down world, we’re now being Mainstream media-warned that Obama is getting more aggressive.

And just to think we’re getting that message as if a President of the United States of America getting more aggressive is normal.

“The wide-ranging proposals on gun control that Barack Obama is expected to announce tomorrow (Jan. 16) symbolize the change in attitude accompanying his second presidential term.
Rapidly accelerating a process that began during his campaign, Obama since November has confidently picked fights with Republicans—and challenged the most conservative members of his own party—on a broad range of foreign-policy and domestic social issues. Besides gun control these include immigration, the pace of withdrawal from Afghanistan and the nomination of Republican senator Chuck Hagel as Defense secretary, a red flag for the GOP’s neo-conservative wing.” (National Journal, Jan. 16, 2013)
“Picking fights with Republicans”, “challenging the most conservative members of his own party” is not Barack Hussein Obama at his worst.

It’s how his unchecked policies are dismantling the USA that is the real problem.

As politicians, the GOP’s neo-conservative wing can, or should be, able to look after themselves.

It’s the innocent masses which need protection from a “getting more aggressive” president.

With all the marbles ( the money supply, the mainstream media, the social media, unending executive orders, at your disposal) and absolutely loathing the country you were elected to serve, you are no longer a president like all those who came before you, but a bully.

Radio Talk Show Host Rush Limbaugh did a superb job yesterday of describing the “Revenge of Obama”, but why is it that not a single elected official is not demanding to know where Obama gets off seeking revenge.

Is this behavior in a president adult, normal or even acceptable?

The lion’s share of Obama’s time in office has been dishing on the US. No US enemy at home or abroad has done a better job. Obama is systematically tearing apart everything that brought America to its noble place in the world, scattering those parts into the four winds—and even showing he enjoys it.

Why is no one in office demanding to know why?

More importantly, why is no one trying to stop him?

For more of the article go to:


excerpt from original article:

....Specifically, if Obama is seeking an “imperial presidency,” as conservative radio talker Mark Levin correctly observes, there are ways to deal with such overreach within the political system--and there are ways not to. And Republicans have to learn the difference between effective opposition and simply throwing their political lives away on empty gestures.

Yes, Virgil understands how maddening it must be for the right when the President attacks Republicans for positions that he himself once held. During his Monday press conference, for example, Obama denounced Congressional Republicans for attempting to negotiate spending cuts in return for an increase in the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling, he intoned, must never be a political football. So never mind that as a Senator, back in 2006, Obama had played his own kind of political football with the debt ceiling. Indeed, the Washington Post’s fact-checker compared President Obama in 2013 to Senator Obama in 2006 and declared his reversal to be--shifting sports-metaphors here--“a major-league flip-flop.”

Speaking of liberals, we might note that Fox News talking head Kirsten Powers described Obama at his Monday press conference as “petulant,” adding that he was “acting annoyed that people were asking him questions.” Annoyed at us? Well, we’re annoyed at him, because he’s a flip-flopper.

Yet of course, liberal or MSM criticism of Obama’s annoying outrageousness is vanishingly scarce. As Fred Barnes wrote recently, “No president in my lifetime has been covered so favorably.” We might note that Barnes was born in 1943, so his lifetime includes such media favorites as FDR and JFK. Thus there’s every reason to think that Obama’s “four-year honeymoon,” as Barnes describes it, will prove to be an “eight-year honeymoon.” That’s not a good thing, but it’s a true thing--and so Republicans have to factor Obama’s fawning media coverage into their own strategic calculations.

Indeed, Obama skates over everything. As a January 13 Wall Street Journal editorial pointed out, he complains about rising health-care costs, all the while acting as if he has had nothing to do with health-care policy over the last four years. Is it an outrage that he ignores his own past claims that Obamacare would stop the rise in health-care costs? And that now we are left with a clunker of a health bill and rising costs? Of course it’s outrageous. But it’s an outrage that the MSM will ignore, and so the rest of us will have to work all the harder to make that point to the American people.

And now, of course, comes the big fight over guns--our guns. That’s the issue that provoked Levin’s “imperial presidency” comment, and again, Levin is spot-on. Not only is Obama pushing gun-grabbing legislation, but he also intends to push gun-grabbing executive orders--23 at last count, and who’s to say there won’t be more.


John Mackey is not crunchy granola liberal one might conjure while perusing aisles

(NPR) Whole Foods has played a key role in propelling organic foods into the mainstream. The specialty supermarket chain has more than 300 stores and plans to continue expanding. But outspoken founder and co-CEO John Mackey is not the crunchy granola liberal one might conjure while perusing aisles of earnestly labeled blue corn chips and gently misted red peppers.

In fact, he’s a self-styled libertarian: a vegan who sells sustainably raised meat, a man who compares the government’s health care overhaul to “fascism” but wants to improve American diets.

And he thinks big businesses have an obligation to change customers’ perception that big corporations are “primarily selfish and greedy.” (Not that he’s opposed to profits. In fact, Whole Foods posted a 49 percent boost in quarterly earnings in November.)


- John Nolte

According the latest Gallup survey, which was taken after the Sandy Hook murders and Wayne LaPierre's press conference, the NRA, despite being demonized 24/7 in the media, enjoys a favorability rating of 54%. Today, according to Gallup, Obama's approval rating sits at 53%.

Moreover, only 38% of those polls have an unfavorable opinion of the NRA. Obama's disapproval rating sits three points higher at 41%.

Part of the reason the White House, Democrats, and the corrupt media are losing their battle to marginalize and destroy the political power of the NRA, might have to do with the fact that a new CNN poll released today shows that an overwhelming majority of the America people agree with the NRA's proposal to put armed guards in schools, 54% to 45%.

Congressman Responds To President Obama’s Dangerous Proposals

Steve Stockman official portrait Congressman responds to President Obama’s dangerous proposals

Gun bans and anti-gun laws have always lead to one thing – more gun violence.

We owe it to innocent people to make this country as safe as possible. Sadly, in President Obama’s announcement every tragedy he mentioned was either in a state that aggressively restricts the right to keep and bear arms or was in a location that banned guns completely.

The White House has indicated they are willing to use Executive Orders to infringe upon the God-given right to keep and bear arms protected by the Second Amendment from government intrusion.

President Obama announced the specifics of his anti-gun sneak attack today, though he refuses to answer questions regarding his own illegal transfer of weapons to Mexican drug lords.

Among the Executive Orders issued are tracking of your firearms, which creates a de facto national gun registry, and a White House demand for laws regulating the private transfer of firearms.

In other words, if you give your son his first hunting rifle, you may face a prison sentence if you fail to get approval from the government.

Those proposals, along with others floated by the White House as presidential decrees, are cutting attacks on your right as a peaceable person to keep and bear arms for your defense. The ability to defend one from aggressors is a basic human right.

My staff is reviewing the Executive Orders. Should President Obama issue Orders infringing upon your basic human right, I am prepared to fight back with peaceable legislative force.

Please read more:

Rush: Time For Background Check On Obama

- Daniel Noe

Rush Limbaugh also says the media has still not vetted him…


Thieves steal safe after ransacking residence
- Timothy O'Connor, Newsday

Two handguns and two pistol permits were stolen from the New City home of a man whose name and address are listed on the website of a local newspaper as possessing gun permits, police said.

The thieves ransacked the house Wednesday night, breaking into two safes on the home's third floor and stealing a third safe. The guns were in the stolen safe, police said.

Clarkstown police said they had no evidence the burglary was connected to the controversial map.

"The burglary is still under investigation and there are no facts to support this correlation at this time," Clarkstown Sgt. Joanne Fratianni said in a statement. "If the investigation develops further information, it will be released accordingly."

Family members at the burglarized home refused to speak Thursday and police are keeping reporters off the property on the quiet suburban street.

"At this early point in the investigation, we believe it is a random crime and the home was not targeted," Clarkstown Det. Lt. Charles Delo told News12.

The burglary comes less than a week after a White Plains homeowner who, too, was listed on the Journal News website as having gun permits, arrived home to find his home burglarized with jewelry missing and an attempted break-in of his gun safe. The thieves were not successful and no guns were stolen.

Poll: Republicans say Obama’s hiding something

- Breanna Edwards

More than a third of Americans — and 64 percent of Republicans — believe that President Barack Obama might be hiding something, according to a new poll Thursday.

Thirty-six percent of the surveyed voters think the president is possibly “hiding important information about his background and early life,” the Fairleigh Dickinson University PublicMind survey found.

Sixty-four percent of Republicans think the president isn’t coming clean, 33 percent of independents agree, and 14 percent of Democrats say so, too.

“This conspiracy theory is much more widely believed mostly because it’s been discussed so often,” said Dan Cassino, a professor of political science at Fairleigh Dickinson. “People tend to believe that where there’s smoke, there’s fire — so the more smoke they see, the more likely they are to believe that something is going on.”

The most common — and debunked — conspiracy theory about Obama is that he wasn’t born in the U.S. and therefore isn’t eligible to be president.

The poll also found that 63 percent of registered voters believe at least one political conspiracy theory. Other popular conspiracy theories include the notion that the government knew about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks before they occurred (25 percent believe this to be true) and the belief that Obama committed voter fraud in the 2012 election (19 percent buy that argument).

For more of the article go to:

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


President announces 23 executive actions on guns

Barack Obama today announced a sweeping set of directives that he intends will cut down on Americans’ access to guns, setting the stage for a constitutional battle with states where lawmakers already are openly defying the latest power grab by the White House.

His plan would demand federal access to the details every time an uncle sells a .22 to a nephew, would ban some weapons outright through a limit on ammunition capacity, would waive medical privacy laws in some cases so individuals can be reported, and others.

But states already have begun fighting back, and one state, Missouri, is looking at a plan that would simply cancel any “act, order, law, statute, rule, or regulation of the federal government upon a personal firearm” and make any federal agency trying to enforce such limits guilty of a Class D felony.

At Obama’s news conference, Vice President Joe Biden said he admired the “grace and resolve” of families of the Newtown, Conn. school shooting victims.

“The president and I are going to try to everything we can to match the resolve you’ve exhibited,” he said. He called it a “moral obligation” to try to prevent any future shootings.

He said he met with representatives of 229 groups to come up with ideas for what Obama could do to crack down on guns.

“We must do what we can now, and there is no person who is more committed to acting … than the president,”

Right Of Armed Self-defense Against Tyranny NOT Negotiable, Mr. Obama

- George Spelvin

Angry Obama SC Right of armed self defense against tyranny NOT negotiable, Mr. Obama
A nationwide appeal has been sent to gun owners and their families asking they go to their state capitol this Saturday, January 19, from noon to 3 p. m. to show support for our 2nd Amendment rights. In Florida, gun owners are asked to meet in the “middle of the state” at noon, at the Hernando County Fairgrounds, 6436 Broad St., Brooksville, FL 334601.

This urgent call to action is in response to the Barack Obama/Joe Biden/Dianne Feinstein legislative aim of imposing bans on arbitrarily selected groups of firearms and accessories. One North Carolina police lieutenant warns internet audiences that ”We’re in huge trouble.” A devout Christian, the 31 year police veteran tells listeners that “I cry. . .when guns are gone, you won’t be able to worship the Creator. ..gone. . .Freedoms gone.”

An officer who lives near the site of the Sandy Hook killings is concerned that “We are being set up to confiscate our guns. . .we can’t back away. . .these people are coming at us head on. . .we must tell our legislators…we will not tolerate confiscation or ban[s] on our guns.”

When asked what he thought about Obama wanting to take our guns, an elderly veteran at a Florida rec hall said “That’s not happening.” Quoting the soldier’s oath, he said. . .”to defend [the Constitution of the United States] against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” He emphasized domestic.

Firearms trainer and consultant Kelly Alwood would agree with the old soldier. “[Without the Second Amendment] there is no way to resist the government voiding all other amendments,” said Alwood during an interview with the Blaze. “Why should [the government] continue to give you your freedom of speech if there is no one to stop them? It [the 2nd Amendment] is the only safeguard we have to protect us from a tyrannical government.”

For more of the article go to:

The Significance Of The United States Constitution: Then And Now

- Ak Fielding

constitution 2 SC The Significance of the United States Constitution:  Then and Now
Degrading the United States Constitution seems to be the latest fad in our country. Most recently, in a debate with author Ben Shapiro, British journalist Piers Morgan attacked the Constitution and called it a “little book.” Morgan lives and works in the United States but is clearly unaware that the United States Constitution is not a “little book” but the supreme law of the land. Morgan is not alone in his berating of the Constitution; the current administration continuously tries to bend the law to its will at every opportunity. The latest attack against the Second Amendment is hardly a response to a new situation but an outcome of years of planning to eradicate the Constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans. Ironically, those attacking the Second Amendment unhesitatingly hide behind the First Amendment to cover their disparaging remarks about the same Constitution they despise. For people such as Morgan, clearly unfamiliar with United States history, a short lesson on the Constitution is in order.

For more of the article go to:

The Purpose of the Second Amendment

- Erick Erickson

The President is ready to announce his plans to restrict gun ownership. Most likely, nothing the President proposes will do anything to stop a future Sandy Hook. We know the President understands he is putting Democrats in a terrible spot. We know because he did nothing after the Aurora, CO shooting in the midsts of a political campaign. He had to wait so he wouldn’t spook voters.

Now he will put the Democrats on the line. Senators Baucus, Begich, Hagan, Johnson, Landrieu, and Pryor — all Democrats from very pro-second amendment states who are up for re-election in 2014 — will be in jeopardy when, not if, the President overreaches.

In all the talk that has happened and will happen, the press and the general public seem willing to ignore the actual purpose of the second amendment.

The amendment is not about sports. It is not about recreation. It is not about hunting. It is only partly about defending yourself from a criminal.

The second amendment is about ensuring a “free state.”

On April 19, 1775, British regulars marched on Lexington and Concord to seize the guns of American colonists that had been stockpiled in case of revolution.

It may be an abstract concept for us. It may be distant. But when the 1st Congress of the United States met in 1789, the memory of 1775 was fresh. More so, what they saw as an abridgment of their freedoms in 1775, they viewed as an abridgment of their freedoms going back to the Glorious Revolution of 1688.

Many historians have come to view the American Revolution as a conservative revolution. The revolutionaries believed they were protecting their English rights from the Glorious Revolution of 1688. They were, in effect, revolting to demand the rights they thought they already had as English citizens. It is why, for much of 1775, they petitioned the King, not Parliament, for help because they had, separated by distance and time, not kept up with the legal evolution of the British constitutional monarchy in relation to Parliament. The colonists believed themselves full English citizens and heirs of the Glorious Revolution.

One of the rights that came out of the Bill of Rights of 1689 in England following the Glorious Revolution was a right to bear arms for defense against the state. The English Bill of Rights accused King James II of disarming protestants in England. That Bill of Rights included the language “That the Subjects which are Protestants may have Arms for their Defence suitable to their Conditions and as allowed by Law.”

The Americans, however, saw the British government, via Parliament, begin curtailing the rights of the citizenry in the American colonies. When they formed the federal government with ratification of the Constitution, the colonists, now Americans, were deeply skeptical of a concentrated federal power, let alone standing armies to exercise power on behalf of a government. This is why, originally, the colonists chose to require unanimity for all federal action under the Articles of Confederation that the Constitution would replace. Likewise, it is why many early state constitutions gave both an explicit right to keep and bear arms, but also instructed that standing armies in times of peace should not be maintained.

For more of the article go to:

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

NH Representative Calls For Limits On Conservatives’ Rights

- Jeff Altiere

new hampshire42619 NH Representative Calls For Limits On Conservatives Rights
Conservatives and Libertarians alike know that they are put down time and time again (occasionally by each other; but soon, we may have a bigger threat to deal with.) To quote Cynthia Chase (D-NH) in the Union Leader newspaper: “In the opinion of this Democrat, Free Staters are the single biggest threat the state is facing today.” She continued, saying that “One way is to pass measures that will restrict the ‘freedoms’ that they think they will find here. Another is to shine the bright light of publicity on who they are and why they are coming.” Now, she was referring to the developing Libertarian Free State Project, which is trying to get people to move to New Hampshire.

To say that the people who believe that Government should be small, that spending should be cut, and that people should be finding jobs (so they can get off Entitlement Programs) should have their freedoms limited is ludicrous. The Constitution of the United States guarantees FREE SPEECH (see Article I, Section I), basically saying that people can say what they want, think what they want, and not be infringed upon. What she proposes, though, goes against the Constitution itself. What she calls for, the censorship of Conservative and Libertarian values and arguments, moves to defy one of the freedoms the Founding Fathers and so many others fought and died to attain and defend. Many people have made the ultimate sacrifice over many years
to keep these freedoms alive, and she basically wants to take what they have done and throw it in the trash. She wants to take the freedoms given to us Conservatives and Libertarians, shred them up, and say “you can’t do that”.

For more of the article go to:

Citizens File Articles of Impeachment Against Obama

For sedition against the Constitution
- Alex Jones,

“When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

There can no longer be any doubt – the forces of tyranny are running wild across our once great Republic. The time has come for all good men and women to rally to the aid of their country. We have now entered a historic crossroads that will decide the destiny of the United States. Arrogance and corruption has long festered in Washington DC, but the last decade has seen an extreme acceleration of criminal looting and attacks on liberty – every freedom is under sustained assault.

We the People, the rightful masters of this Republic, will either rise up through Congress and the states or we can trade in our birthright of liberty for the chains of a technocratic slavery. Below we list some of the more egregious acts of seditious treason against the Republic of the United States. Anyone who wishes to continue to live in a free country and to pass that birthright on to their children must research this document and then lobby state legislatures and the Congress to do their duty and remove the would-be dictator.

The time has now come for a bill of impeachment to be introduced and debated in Congress. Obama’s crimes are public, and the debate in the House will serve as a court in which to display the tyrannical activities of President Obama and his cohorts. As in the case of Richard Nixon, the exposure of Obama’s crimes may cause him to resign in disgrace. If he does not step down, the full House will then vote to begin the impeachment trial in the US Senate. The time has now come to make your decision – to stand up to evil or get on your knees as a willing slave.

Articles of Impeachment Against Barack Hussein Obama – Filed by Citizen Alexander Emric Jones, January 15, 2013.

- He has clearly communicated his intent to eviscerate the second amendment rights of American citizens by pursuing executive orders to curtail the right to keep and bear arms without congressional authorization and in violation of the second amendment.


- Awr Hawkins

Not only does Ruger Firearms make some of the best weapons in the word, they are also leading in the fight to stop the asinine gun control push coming from Obama/Biden and Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Joe Manchin (D-WV).

To to do this, Ruger has put up a website titled "Take Action Now," where gun owners and 2nd Amendment supporters can easily sign and submit a letter to state and federal level government officials to tell them clearly: "Do NOT pass more gun laws."

When a citizen puts his or her name on the dotted line, a letter is sent to President Obama and VP Biden, and the site uses the citizen's zip code to determine, and send a letter to, the correct Senator, Representative, governor, lieutenant governor, state attorney general, and other state level officials.

For everyone who believes this fight is worth fighting, Ruger has swept all the tedious aspects of contacting your state and federal officials out of the way.

Click HERE to join Ruger in this important fight today.


- Awr Hawkins

Gun control is now a political campaign. This is bad for Democrats, and it could be really good for Republicans.

When the Democrats misread the tea leaves in December and began clamoring for bans on "assault weapons," 30 round magazines, semi-auto handguns that use a clip, gun shows, etc., they threatened something that is held sacrosanct by Americans in both parties--private gun ownership.

Because of this, the atmosphere surrounding the debate has shifted considerably. Thus, whereas less than a month ago Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Mark Warner (D-VA) couldn't wait to grab guns with Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), now there is not-so-subtle silence coming from outlying Democrats. Gun control is coming less and less from the Senate and more and more from the President who doesn't have another election to lose.

As my colleague Michael Flynn has pointed out, in the middle of coming for our guns Democrats remembered something that's very important--control of the Senate is up for grabs again in 2014.

Obama is Begging for Impeachment

- Alan Caruba

According to Wikipedia: “United States Presidents issue executive orders to help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage the operations within the federal government itself. Executive orders have the full force of law, since issuances are typically made in pursuance of certain Acts of Congress, some of which specifically delegate to the President some degree of discretionary power (delegated legislation), or are believed to take authority from a power granted directly to the Executive by the Constitution.”

“However, these perceived justifications cited by Presidents when authoring Executive Orders have come under criticism for exceeding executive authority; at various times throughout U.S. history, challenges to the legal validity or justification for an order have resulted in legal proceedings.”

I am not a Constitutional scholar, but I am aware of the consequences of past executive orders. The nation now has a rogue government agency, the Environmental Protection Agency, by virtue of an executive order by President Nixon. Later, President Carter reorganized the executive branch and created a separate Department of Education. Currently, executive orders permit the President to seize control of the entire nation in the event of an attack or the declaration of a national emergency.

Now we are told that President Obama is planning to issue up to nineteen executive orders to do an end run around Congress and the Second amendment on the issue of gun control. Whereas Social Security was often referred to as “the third rail” if presidents or Congress attempted to reform it, it would appear that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is the new third raid and touching it is likely to enflame both Democrats and Republicans in Congress.

Former Attorney General, Edwin Meese, recently went on record to say that the proposed executive orders would be an “impeachable offense.” There is a growing chorus of resistance to Obama’s “imperial presidency”, but whether it is the executive orders or a judgment rendered by a forthcoming Supreme Court conference, it would appear that Obama has over-reached.

The Supreme Court has scheduled a conference—not a hearing—regarding a case that challenges President Obama’s eligibility to be President. Court observers believe this will lead nowhere. If the justices were to favor elevating the case to a hearing that found Obama guilty, he could face impeachment hearings or possibly be summarily removed from office by Congress.

Stand up to Socialists Don’t Just Petition Them

- Judi McLeod

There must be a gargantuan Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole somewhere in God’s Little Green Acres where most, if not all, petitions go.

And surely the most stupid petitions of all are the ones on the website, seeing that it is the White House most petitioners are petitioning against.

Even Obama ineligibility diehards use petitions to demand that Obama resign. (Fat chance of that notwithstanding).

If you want your state to secede, don’t count on Obama’s blessing. If you want mercy from the non-stop executive orders, it won’t be forthcoming from the Marxist squatting on the White House.

Isn’t there anything in writing somewhere that people who petition their enemies in power should have their heads read?

Latest on the petition circuit is Senator Rand Paul entreating Americans on a Human Events send out to “sign this petition demanding your Congressman and Senators OPPOSE Big Labor’s Card Check Forced Unionism Bill before it’s too late.” Human Events, Jan. 15, 2013).

Being on the inside now, the good senator must surely realize that letters, emails, faxes, telephone calls and petitions to Senators and Congressmen, (by and large) fall on deaf ears.

The American way of life is being regulated to death by a self-appointed agent of destruction called Barack Obama, Senator Paul, and it’s going to take a good deal more than petitions to get him to curb his style.

This is the America whose temperature was taken this morning: The Dems are cleaning the imaginary lint off their tuxedos hoping to get a seat next to their favourite Hollywood celeb at the Inauguration Ball; the Repubs are pretending there’s nothing they can do to bring America back to America, and stubbornly pretending not to feel the pain of the Obama rope tightening around their necks or the prospect of being caught in the glare of the Marxist Projection Blame Game, so unmercifully spun by Artful Dodger Barack.

Is it any wonder why frustration is at an all time high among average Americans?

For more of the article go to:


Slam doors, call cops when confronted by hidden camera
- Bob Unruh

An undercover video investigation by Project Veritas, whose founder James O’Keefe is widely known for his devastating exposé of ACORN, found that journalists with the paper that recently exposed gun-permit holders in the New York City area are unwilling to take a dose of their own medicine and declare their homes “gun-free zones.”

Project Veritas investigators posed as members of a gun-control group asking to post anti-gun signs on lawns. The journalists included staffers of the West Nyack, N.Y.-based Journal News, which last month published the names and addresses of thousands of pistol permit holders licensed in the Westchester and Rockland counties area north of New York City.

Four times doors were closed in the faces of the Project Veritas investigators, three times the signs were rejected, twice law enforcement was called to remove them from the property and three times they found armed guards already on site.

Stops by the team included the homes of Newark Star Ledger columnist Bob Braun, Journal News publisher Janet Hasson, reporter Alex Weisler, Journal News editor Cynthia Lambert and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.

O’Keefe’s crew asked journalists whether they would put a sign on their lawn that says “Citizens Against Senseless Violence. THIS HOME IS PROUDLY GUN FREE!”


Texas state representative Steve Toth is filing legislation for a "Firearms Protection Act" similar to that which we saw in Wyoming
- Awr Hawkins

This law will make "any federal law banning semi-automatic handguns or limiting the size of gun magazines unenforceable within the state's boundaries."

Not only will this put Texas shoulder-to-shoulder with Wyoming in making it a felony for anyone--including federal agents--to try to enforce new gun control, but according to the Tenth Amendment Center it is in perfect harmony with the actions of Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, "who has already filed over twenty-three lawsuits against the federal government."

More good news--representative Toth is newly elected, which means he isn't wasting any time. He is taking it to the gun-grabbers instead of sitting back to see what happens next.

Toth puts it this way: "We can no longer depend on the Federal Government and this Administration to uphold a Constitution they no longer believe in."

The message is simple: "Don't Mess With Texas," and particularly, with Texas' gun laws.


- Billy O'Hallowell, The Blaze

Last night, CNN’s Piers Morgan appeared on “The Colbert Report” to discuss firearms in America and the Second Amendment. During the comical exchange, comedian Stephen Colbert questioned Morgan’s recent gun control diatribes — and his knowledge of the U.S. Constitution. After introducing the CNN personality as ”a talk show host who thinks he’s best for America,” Colbert quickly began launching his quips.

“I mean this in the most respectful way possible. Get the f**k out of here,” he told Morgan. “Do you understand, to an American ear, what it sounds like to have an English accent telling us how to live our lives?”

Morgan, while laughing, admitted that such a notion is, indeed, an annoyance. Of course, Colbert wasn’t done there.

“Do you hate the United States Constitution?,” he repeatedly asked the CNN host, at one point handing him a pocket-sized copy of the historical document.

While the exchange was colored by comedy and was not serious in nature (after all, this is Colbert), Morgan did take a few moments to defend his views. He invoked the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook, claiming that the incident should be an example that spawns both intense concern and action among the public.

“I think when 20 young children get blown to pieces, America should say, ‘Something has to be done,’” Morgan proclaimed.

Colbert did note that some have accused Morgan of “pumping up” his ratings by bringing “crazy people” on his program. Here, he was likely referring to Alex Jones’ appearance on “Piers Morgan Tonight” — a fiery exchange that subsequently went viral.

Watch the comical exchange, below:

(H/T: Mediaite)

Monday, January 14, 2013


Lawmaker: 'We have an addiction to deficit spending'

Over the weekend, Treasury Department officials announced the Obama administration would not pursue the minting of a trillion-dollar platinum coin as a way of reducing our debt or deficits.

But many on the political left are still pushing the idea as legitimate and urging the president to reconsider his position.

Most Republicans were watching this movement with a combination of amusement and bewilderment, but the traction behind the coin idea is now leading to legislative efforts to prevent the government from ever pursuing such an idea.

Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., is chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. He told WND Democrats are toying with this idea only through gross misuse of a law passed in the 1990s aimed at platinum coins for collectors. Walden’s new bill would block an economically reckless move in the future.

“It would basically take away this authority by limiting the value of the coins to a very small limit and prevent this from happening,” Walden said. “You could still mint a platinum coin, but it would be for the purpose it was intended for, a coin collector’s coin.”

Walden said it doesn’t take an economic genius to figure out why creating a trillion-dollar coin would be a huge mistake.

“When you’re adding false value to the supply, you diminish the value of the money people are holding. It just can’t work any other way,” he said. “They can spin it here or spin it there, but if the government’s creating money from where there is no value, then they’re devaluing the money that we have. History is littered with countries that have attempted to go down this path.”

It’s unclear how urgently Walden’s legislation will be pursued now that the Obama administration has rejected the idea of the coin. But Walden said the liberal embrace of this idea illustrates how hard it is to achieve common-sense solutions across the aisle on the bigger fiscal challenges to the nation.

“This is the kind of lunacy that is rampant today in Washington,” he said. “You have a president who says we don’t have a spending problem. How can you say that when the Congressional Budget Office just told us that we’re already $293 billion in the red this fiscal year that started Oct. 1 and will go over a trillion dollars in the red once again, five years in a row, all under this president by the end of the fiscal year?

“We have a spending problem. It’s like an addict who doesn’t believe he has an addiction. Eventually, you’ve got to admit you have a problem. Then you’ve got to get on a recovery plan so that you can get over your addiction. We have an addiction to deficit spending. People think there’s an easy way out, and there isn’t. We’ve got to make the difficult but important choices to get America on the right track.”

For more of the article go to:


Prayer breakfast to focus on a higher power
- Bob Unruh, WND

These days, when Washington has a problem, a new study commission is born. Or legislation is written. Or a rule or regulation is created. Or a tax.

But there are those who believe there is a higher power to whom Washington ultimately will answer, and that is the focus of the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast, Jan. 21 at 7 a.m. at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park hotel.

The event will feature U.S. House Chaplain Father Patrick J. Conroy, “Harbinger” author Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; Christian Broadcasting Network founder Pat Robertson, Trinity Broadcasting Network host Jan Crouch; entertainer Pat Boone; WND CEO Joseph Farah; Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo.; and others. State Sen. Stewart Greenleaf of Pennsylvania will be the master of ceremonies

“I think it’s important that we pray for our president,” Greenleaf told WND. “We leave other questions to God, but it’s important for us to pray for him and our Congress and others in authority.

“And pray that they put God first in their decision-making process,” he said.

Greenleaf said political party, in this instance, is not relevant.

“They’ve been elected now, and we’ve asked them to do their job,” he said. “I don’t think we should add to that, as American people.”

And, he asked, if people don’t rise above politics for a time of seeking God’s will, how can their representatives be expected to do that?

The event is scheduled to coincide with what, in Washington, is a time of speeches, accolades, political digs, food, wine, music, balls and celebrity parties.

In stark contrast, the prayer breakfast, say organizers, is a time for humbling and seeking God’s will.

Keynoting the decidedly politically incorrect event will be Cahn, whose bestselling book “The Harbinger” also has been made into a bestselling film documentary called “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,” produced by Farah.

Cahn’s message to America is to heed warnings from God, turn back to seeking His will, and prosper.

He doesn’t say it, but there’s definitely an “or else” implied, as described in his book, which recounts God’s warnings, or harbingers, to the nation of Israel before it eventually was broken up and taken into captivity by enemies.

Israel suffered, he posits, because it vowed to go it alone, without God, and come back bigger and stronger and better after being ravaged by its enemies. Cahn’s book warns that America right now is experiencing the same judgments, or warnings, from God and needs to heed them immediately.

He documents a series of stunning parallels between the Old Testament collapse of Israel and events in the United States, specifically the 9/11 attacks, the construction on the Ground Zero site and the economic crisis.

The guiding spirit of the prayer event is to be II Chronicles 7:14, which places the burden of a nation’s restoration not on its political leadership, military, social programs, economy or any other locus of earthly power.

Rather, it places the responsibility squarely in the hands of Christians: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”



'Not everything your government tells you is true'

Asking listeners to put aside his political orientation for a moment, talk-radio host Michael Savage questioned the federal government’s recommendation that citizens get a flu shot.

“Did Harry Reid take a flu shot? Did Barack Obama take a flu shot? Did Barack Obama’s lovely family take a flu shot? Did Joe Biden take a flu shot?” Savage asked.

“Which of the mandarins took the flu shot?”

He explained that he was talking specifically about vaccines and was not advocating the avoidance of all pharmaceuticals.

Known for his many books on herbal medicines, Savage acknowledged he has benefited from “an awful lot of life-saving regular medicines.”

“The Flu vaccine?” he asked. “No, I wouldn’t take it.”

Savage noted “not everything your government tells you is true.”

“So it’s good to have a cynic in radio who questions authority,” he said.

Dr. Savage nails the diagnosis in his classic “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder: Savage Solutions,” available at WND’s Superstore

Savage argued that Centers for Disease Control authorities have to guess what the vaccine should be made of.

“So they choose five strains out of 250-plus strains of Influenza A, and if they don’t choose the right one, you’re going to get sick,” he said.

“So you’re putting your faith in the CDC’s ability to guess the one that might be a pandemic.”

He said that this year, the CDC guessed right on two of the strains and wrong on one of them.

He acknowledged that many people calculate that the risk of a side effect is one in 1 million against the one-in-10,000 risk of being hospitalized or dying.

“But I believe the risks outweigh any benefit,” Savage said.

The vaccine, he pointed out, contains formaldehyde and thimerosal – an organic compound containing mercury, which impairs the neurological and immune systems – along with detergents, antibiotics and allergens that cause infertility.

The CDC itself, he noted, lists some of these ingredients on its own website as harmful, though it insists the amounts in vaccines is negligible.

Someone may well say, Savage acknowledged,” Well, I took the shot and it didn’t kill me.”

But when you’re older, he argued, “and you get ALS or Alzheimer’s disease or MS, or you watch your kid develop seizures, or your kid becomes autistic, God forbid, what are you going to say?”

The relationship between the vaccine and and any one person acquiring these diseases can’t be known for certain, he said, “But why increase the chances of inducing such illnesses in yourself and your children?”


Report states retail giant cutting orders, anticipating gun control
- Chelsea Schilling

The blogosphere has exploded with outrage in response to news that Walmart is suspending ammunition sales in anticipation of the Obama administration’s gun-control recommendations to Congress – but the retail giant tells WND the reports aren’t true.

“That information is inaccurate,” said Ashley Hardie, a spokeswoman located at Walmart’s corporate headquarters in Bentonville, Ark.

WND then asked whether the retail chain is cutting back on orders of ammunition.

“No,” Hardie said. “We’re continuing to serve our customers as we have in the past.”

She said Walmart’s ammunition sales policy has not changed, even amid talk of gun-control legislation in Washington, D.C.

The uproar began when the InvestmentWatch blog posted a story headlined, “Breaking & confirmed: Walmart is not going to order any more ammo.”

CNS News cited the report, and talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh mentioned it during his Monday show.

According to the InvestmentWatch report, a man claimed to have visited his local Walmart and noticed the store was “out of almost every kind of ammo.”

“The manager I talked to said they had not heard anything, but she tried to order some .223 as I was standing there. She said the order was being rejected by the corporate office. Said she had never had that happen.”

He added, “She called corporate as I was standing there. And was told this, ‘As of right now Walmart is not going to be making any new orders of ammo because of the upcoming decision on the Second Amendment.’ Said, ‘As of right now we are unsure of what new legislation might be coming, and because of this, we are suspending new orders. We will continue to sell what is already in stock in stores and at our distribution centers, but any new orders will not be shipped until the issue is resolved.’

“So after they run out, there will be no restocking until Obama makes his decision. How’s that change working out for you now?”

The InvestmentWatch posting also included an audio recording which was purportedly taken as a man called Walmart’s customer service line.

“I went to my local Walmart to go get some ammunition, and they said they were out,” the caller said. “I was looking for .223. Are you all still going to be selling ammunition? The lady seemed confused about whether they were going to get any more in stock.”

The person claiming to be a Walmart representative can be heard saying, “You know, there is going to be a new policy change, according to the federal gun control act, the new law that the president’s getting ready to enact.”

The caller then asked, “Well, you don’t have any idea what that says, do you? Is that saying you’re no longer going to carry ammunition?”

The man responded, “To be honest with you, I don’t know what the policy is going to be, but I know they, but I was told they’re going to be reviewing it.”

WND has not been able to verify whether the man on the call was, in fact, a customer service representative for Walmart.

For more of the article go to:

Obama Flagrantly Commits Treason

- By Warren Beatty (not the liberal actor)

If this isn’t treason, then I don’t know what is. The US Constitution defines treason in Article 3, section 3 thusly: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.”
The Taliban harbored al Qaeda in Afghanistan in the lead up to the 9/11 attacks on America in September 2001. Obama even recognized the Taliban as a terrorist organization when he said, “We went into Afghanistan, because 3,000 Americans were viciously murdered by a terrorist organization that was operating openly and at the invitation of those who were then ruling Afghanistan.”
Now that same Taliban is to have an office in Kabul, Afghanistan. That same Taliban will engage in direct talks with the democratic government in Afghanistan. I somehow don’t expect the Taliban to talk in good faith.
“Dear Leader” President Barack Hussein Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai made the announcement on Friday, January 11. Here is some of what Obama said:
“Ultimately security gains must be matched by political progress, so we’ve recommitted our nations to a reconciliation process between the Afghan government and the Taliban. President Karzai updated me on the Afghan government’s road map to peace, and today we agreed that this process should be advanced by the opening of a Taliban office to facilitate talks.”
So, according to Obama, “security gains must be matched by political progress …[.]” The Taliban has certainly made political progress, as witnessed by the opening of its office. Did I somehow miss our security gains? Has Homeland Security and the TSA been disbanded?
Just so you know, 72 percent of the Afghan war casualties have occurred during Obama’s watch. And, now, Obama is spitting on the graves and wounds of brave, honorable Americans.
IMHO, Obama’s only “out” is that the war in Afghanistan has not formally beendeclared by Congress. Obama is (again) hiding behind a technicality. But, regardless of whether the war is declared or not, the Taliban is fighting, soldiers are dying, and treason is treason!
But that’s just my opinion.
Please visit RWNO, my personal web site.

Wal Mart Is NOT Going To Order Any More Ammo

via Investment Watch Blog

"I do not have a link as of yet but here is what I have found out…

Stopped by my local Wal Mart this morning. They are out of almost every kind of ammo.
I asked to talk to the person in charge of ordering to see if they had any information on this subject.
The manager I talked to said they had not heard anything…BUT.
She tried to order some .223 as I was standing there. She said the order was being rejected by the corporate office. Said she had never had that happen.

She called corporate as I was standing there.
And was told this. “As of right now Wal Mart is not going to be making any new orders of ammo because of the upcoming decision on the second amendment”. Said, “As of right now we are unsure of what new legislation might be coming, and because of this, we are suspending new orders. We will continue to sell what is already in stock in stores and at our distribution centers, but any new orders will not be shipped until the issue is resolved”.

So after they run out, there will be no restocking until Obama makes his decision…Hows that change working out for you now?"


That could be a long post! For now, let’s just note one aspect of the news media’s biased gun coverage: the media frequently paint the National Rifle Association as a sinister, shadowy organization that exercises a mysterious power over legislation. Thus this Yahoo News headline on a Christian Science Monitor article:
This is silly. Obviously, Congress has the “muscle” to pass whatever it wants to, and neither “gun lobby”–either pro or con–has any power to dictate to Congress. What is happening is that the pro-gun control forces don’t have the votes for the unconstitutional legislation they would like to enact. So, rather than acknowledging that gun control is unpopular, our media moguls prefer to attribute its failure to unexplained machinations by the NRA.
Will the ignorance on firearms ever end? If they insist on writing about guns, isn’t it reasonable to expect that news organizations will employ someone, a reporter or editor, who knows something about them?

For more of the article go to:

White House Scrubs Petition Seeking Obama Resignation

Due To Forged Birth Certificate, Forged Selective Service, And Stolen CT Social Security Number
Dr. Orly Taitz created the petition and it apparently didn't sit well with the White House. It has now been pulled. 

Here's the original text of the petition: We petition Barack H. Obama (aka Soetoro aka Soebarkah) to resign due to his use of a stolen CT SSN, forged BC and SS On February 15, 2013 Supreme Court of the US will hear in conference Noonan et al v Bowen A12606 brought by Attorney OrlyTaitz. This case deals brings forward undeniable evidence of Barack Obama being listed in his school records in Indonesia as an Indonesian Citizen and using his step father’s last name Soetoro. Inis mother’s passport records, as a child he was listed under the last name Soebarkah. E-verify and SSNVS show him using in his tax returns a CT SSN 042-68-4425, which was never ssigned to him and Sheriff Arpaio, former Chief investigator for Coast Guard Coffman declare his Selective Service Certificate a forgery. Multiple experts found his alleged birth certificate a forgery with letters of different fonts and sizes. We call for Obama to resign due to his use of forged IDs

For more of the article go to:

Obama: I’m Nice to Republicans…

“It Doesn’t Stop Them From Blasting Me For Being Big Spending Socialist”
- Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit

During his press conference today Barack Obama played the socialist card,
“When I’m over here at the Congressional picnic folks are coming up and taking pictures with their family. I promise you, Michelle and I are very nice to them and we have a wonderful time. But it doesn’t prevent them from going on the floor of the House and blast me for being a big spending socialist.”

AWESOME: Mark Levin blasts Obama as imperial president while on with Megyn Kelly

Posted by The Right Scoop

Mark Levin isn’t known for sugar coating his words or pulling punches when it comes to defending this country, and he doesn’t do it while on with Megyn Kelly either.
I’m not into imperial presidents who act imperial and speak imperial and Obama forgets there’s a Constitution. Yeah he keeps telling us he won reelection. Congratulations. But guess what, the Constitution wasn’t up for election. It’s not up for a plebiscite or a referendum. He has to comply with it too. He was sent back to Washington but he’s got a strict list of rules that he has to follow as president.
So when he gets up there and he starts saying ‘if Congress doesn’t do this, I’m gonna do this unilaterally’, it violates separation of powers a lot of the times. And this is a man who’s been pushing the edge of the envelope as far as I’m concerned whether it’s the appointment clause, whether it’s his unilateral action on immigration, whether it’s his trashing the commerce clause and the tax clauses on Obamacare. Now they’re talking about executive orders on the 2nd amendment, they’ve issued regulations on the first amendment attacking religious liberty – this notion that he might be able to lift the debt ceiling unilaterally under the 14th amendment – what the hell is this? He was elected president, congratulations. This guy makes Richard Nixon look like a man who followed the law all the time.
I think we have an imperial president. He sounds imperial, he’s arrogant as hell. And so I’m furious about this and I’m gonna tell you why.
We are a magnificent country. We don’t need to be turned upside down, we don’t need to run from crisis to crisis to crisis. He’s bankrupting this country.
He says we’ve had a discussion about the debt. When did we have a discussion about the debt? We’ve had a debate about taxes. The man’s never around to have a discussion about anything. So yes, he causes me to be furious when I watch him and listen to him!
And that’s just the beginning. He goes on to talk about the ‘big lie’ and more.
Watch the whole interview below:

Freshman lawmaker threatens impeachment over gun rights

- Jonathan Easley, The Hill

- image credit: floyd reports -
Freshman Republican Rep. Steve Stockman (Texas) on Monday said he would "seek to thwart" executive action by President Obama in regard to gun laws by any means necessary, even if it means "filing articles of impeachment."

"The White House’s recent announcement they will use executive orders and executive actions to infringe on our constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms is an unconstitutional and unconscionable attack on the very founding principles of this republic," Stockman said in a statement. "I will seek to thwart this action by any means necessary, including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the White House, and even filing articles of impeachment."

At a press conference in the East Room on Monday, Obama said he would consider executive actions on gun control, but said such actions would be limited in scope.

For more of the article go to:

Sunday, January 13, 2013

NRA President Schools Candy Crowley: Obama and Feinstein Are Driving Gun Sales Not Us!

- Noel Sheppard

NN's Candy Crowley on Sunday floated the typical media nonsense about how the National Rifle Association is ginning up fear to sell more guns in the wake of the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut.
Fortunately for State of the Union viewers, NRA President David Keene was on the set to correctly point out, "The two people who are selling so-called assault rifles are Senator Feinstein and President Obama not us" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

For more of the article go to:

Eric Holder: Like Smokers, Gun Owners Should “Cower” In Shame

In this 1995 footage of Attorney General Eric Holder, when he was Attorney General for the District of Columbia, he remarks before the Woman’s National Democratic Club, broadcast by CSPAN 2, that gun owners should be shamed like smokers who “cower outside of buildings” to smoke.
“What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns,” said Holder, “especially young people, and make it something that’s not cool, that it’s not acceptable, it’s not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we’ve changed our attitudes about cigarettes. You know, when I was growing up, people smoked all the time. Both my parents did. But over time, we changed the way that people thought about smoking, so now we have people who cower outside of buildings and kind of smoke in private and don’t want to admit it.” Laughter followed.
This is the same clip in which Holder also stated that we need to “really brainwash people to think about guns in a vastly different way.”
Remember these are the people in positions of authority in our land. The real danger in our country does not come from the barrel of a gun, but from people like Attorney General Eric Holder.

Sold Out: Gun Store Shelves Bare

Wanting to kill some time over the weekend, a friend and I did what men do when they have an entire afternoon to themselves: wish-listing at gun stores. We went to over half a dozen stores, mostly mom-and-pop operations that my friend has been frequenting for many years. We were shocked at what we found.
There was not a single AR, AK, or SKS platform to be found at any store in the county; and the shelves were pretty bare of other semi-auto rifles as well. Asked when they might expect to restock, the gun store owners said that they were unsure when they would be able to get in new shipments because most major wholesalers have no weapons in stock either.
Blaming the Obama administration’s desire to re-institute an assault weapons ban, manufacturers are hesitant to make a model of long guns for civilian use that may soon be outlawed once again. In this interview with gun store owner Mark Meinzinger, owner of Northwoods Gun Shop in Lachine, Michigan, he takes us to the sites where gun stores order their stock; and without exception, there were virtually no firearms – of any type – available. Meinzinger says that what the gun stores have in stock now “is all they’re gonna have.”

Original article here: