The Taliban harbored al Qaeda in Afghanistan in the lead up to the 9/11 attacks on America in September 2001. Obama even recognized the Taliban as a terrorist organization when he said, “We went into Afghanistan, because 3,000 Americans were viciously murdered by a terrorist organization that was operating openly and at the invitation of those who were then ruling Afghanistan.”
Now that same Taliban is to have an office in Kabul, Afghanistan. That same Taliban will engage in direct talks with the democratic government in Afghanistan. I somehow don’t expect the Taliban to talk in good faith.
“Dear Leader” President Barack Hussein Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai made the announcement on Friday, January 11. Here is some of what Obama said:
“Ultimately security gains must be matched by political progress, so we’ve recommitted our nations to a reconciliation process between the Afghan government and the Taliban. President Karzai updated me on the Afghan government’s road map to peace, and today we agreed that this process should be advanced by the opening of a Taliban office to facilitate talks.”
So, according to Obama, “security gains must be matched by political progress …[.]” The Taliban has certainly made political progress, as witnessed by the opening of its office. Did I somehow miss our security gains? Has Homeland Security and the TSA been disbanded?
Just so you know, 72 percent of the Afghan war casualties have occurred during Obama’s watch. And, now, Obama is spitting on the graves and wounds of brave, honorable Americans.
IMHO, Obama’s only “out” is that the war in Afghanistan has not formally beendeclared by Congress. Obama is (again) hiding behind a technicality. But, regardless of whether the war is declared or not, the Taliban is fighting, soldiers are dying, and treason is treason!
But that’s just my opinion.
Please visit RWNO, my personal web site.
Please visit RWNO, my personal web site.
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