Monday, January 14, 2013

White House Scrubs Petition Seeking Obama Resignation

Due To Forged Birth Certificate, Forged Selective Service, And Stolen CT Social Security Number
Dr. Orly Taitz created the petition and it apparently didn't sit well with the White House. It has now been pulled. 

Here's the original text of the petition: We petition Barack H. Obama (aka Soetoro aka Soebarkah) to resign due to his use of a stolen CT SSN, forged BC and SS On February 15, 2013 Supreme Court of the US will hear in conference Noonan et al v Bowen A12606 brought by Attorney OrlyTaitz. This case deals brings forward undeniable evidence of Barack Obama being listed in his school records in Indonesia as an Indonesian Citizen and using his step father’s last name Soetoro. Inis mother’s passport records, as a child he was listed under the last name Soebarkah. E-verify and SSNVS show him using in his tax returns a CT SSN 042-68-4425, which was never ssigned to him and Sheriff Arpaio, former Chief investigator for Coast Guard Coffman declare his Selective Service Certificate a forgery. Multiple experts found his alleged birth certificate a forgery with letters of different fonts and sizes. We call for Obama to resign due to his use of forged IDs

For more of the article go to:

1 comment:

  1. Both parties know this and have since the beginning!! They don't care and don't represent the people!! Why do you think Obama making all these laws unconstitutionally and both parties sitting back and laughing at the American people! The whole lot are nothing more than communists that should be thrown out of the government/prosecuted!!!

    The fraud enacts 20+ executive orders!!! Will you and the rest of our lame congress finally take impeachment action? If not have the balls to call him on the fact that he violates his own law shown in his obamacare. Make any law contingent on him proving his eligibility of office!!! If he is so heartened by this then he should want to prove his eligibilty to get these laws passed for these kids that his heart so fakingly goes out to! Plus first to go is all protection for his family!!! My family is just as important to me as his is to him!!
    LORD Obama flips congress the bird, Congress responds by bending over and enjoying it!!
    Take action or resign!!!!
    There's the 2nd ammendment... next month is the 1st ammendment!!! Congress as usual bending over and enjoying it!! People stand up and vote everyone of these spineless communists out of office and replace them with someone who will represent you!!!
