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Thursday, February 14, 2013
Monday, February 11, 2013
Radical group previously gave strong support to president
In a radio interview, Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin called for the impeachment of President Obama over his policy of permitting drone strikes on American citizens overseas who are members of terrorist organizations.
On WABC Radio’s “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” Sunday, Benjamin affirmed she believes the drone warfare is an impeachable offense.
She said she would go even further and “broaden” a ban on drone strikes to “end the killing of innocent people overseas in countries where we are not at war without any kind of transparency or accountability.”
Asked Klein: “So would you then call, as the co-founder of Code Pink, for the impeachment of President Obama based on these alleged crimes?”
“Sure,” Benjamin responded. “Just like I called for President Obama and George Bush to be taken to the International Criminal Court for war crimes, but it’s not going to happen.”
In a radio interview, Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin called for the impeachment of President Obama over his policy of permitting drone strikes on American citizens overseas who are members of terrorist organizations.
On WABC Radio’s “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” Sunday, Benjamin affirmed she believes the drone warfare is an impeachable offense.
She said she would go even further and “broaden” a ban on drone strikes to “end the killing of innocent people overseas in countries where we are not at war without any kind of transparency or accountability.”
Asked Klein: “So would you then call, as the co-founder of Code Pink, for the impeachment of President Obama based on these alleged crimes?”
“Sure,” Benjamin responded. “Just like I called for President Obama and George Bush to be taken to the International Criminal Court for war crimes, but it’s not going to happen.”
For more of the article go to: http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/even-code-pink-wants-obama-impeached/#jzlJsXflFMEclHf8.99
Aaron Klein,
Code Pink,
Medea Benjamin,
Investigator: Obama's Homeland Security Forms Cyber Army To Target Anti-Obama Sites

Private Investigator Doug Haggman: Obama's DHS Cyber Army Targets Anti-Obama Sites - VIDEO BELOW: - Hat tip SA.
You can listen to the full TruNews interview by clicking here. Read Haggman's full report on Obama's cyber army by clicking here.
For more of the article go to: http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2013/02/obamas-homeland-security-forms-cyber-army.html
cyber army,
Doug Haggman,
- Ben Shapiro
Alleged cop killer and former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner may be suspected in the shootings of five people, including three other police officers, but his support base is growing on Facebook. One Facebook page has 3,000 fans; its title: “I Support Christopher Jordan Dorner.” Another suggests that Dorner run for president: “We propose electing a man who could no longer sit idly by and watch as malicious tyrants abused the innocent.”
The worst, though, is a new page titled, “LAPD Cop Killer Christopher Dorner Is A Hero.” It has 193 likes, and features a picture of a dead police officer. The host comments: “I continue to learn from the posts that good people are sharing about systematic injustice. Thank you again to everyone who is taking this discussion seriously and posting resources for everyone to read.”
One Christopher Dorner fan page now has 556 members. Another has 313 likes. Still another has 1,266 likes. “We Are All Chris Dorner,” says yet another page, with the caption: “Christopher Jordan Dorner is the victim of a manhunt and smear campaign. 5 years ago he was fired from the LAPD for seeking to expose corruption within it …”
Alleged cop killer and former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner may be suspected in the shootings of five people, including three other police officers, but his support base is growing on Facebook. One Facebook page has 3,000 fans; its title: “I Support Christopher Jordan Dorner.” Another suggests that Dorner run for president: “We propose electing a man who could no longer sit idly by and watch as malicious tyrants abused the innocent.”
The worst, though, is a new page titled, “LAPD Cop Killer Christopher Dorner Is A Hero.” It has 193 likes, and features a picture of a dead police officer. The host comments: “I continue to learn from the posts that good people are sharing about systematic injustice. Thank you again to everyone who is taking this discussion seriously and posting resources for everyone to read.”
One Christopher Dorner fan page now has 556 members. Another has 313 likes. Still another has 1,266 likes. “We Are All Chris Dorner,” says yet another page, with the caption: “Christopher Jordan Dorner is the victim of a manhunt and smear campaign. 5 years ago he was fired from the LAPD for seeking to expose corruption within it …”
For more of the article go to: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2013/02/09/Facebook-fan-pages-Chris-Dorner
Ben Shapiro,
- Joel B. Pollak
Normally, we at Breitbart News ignore the Huffington Post. It is self-consciously leftist, so there is little point in highlighting its rather comical bias, except when that bias filters into the mainstream media. Sunday night was just such an occasion, when HuffoPo ran two stories in succession that neatly captured the lickspittle mentality of the mainstream media towards President Barack Obama, and the danger it holds for our democracy.
The first story was headlined, “Obsessed.” It described the promised by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to block the confirmations of former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan to the posts of Secretary of Defense and CIA Director, respectively, unless the Obama administration fully explained the president’s actions during the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on Sep. 11.
Graham is no wide-eyed ideologue. Many conservatives consider him a squish on core issues. (I was once present to hear Graham address a gathering of high-dollar donors. He admonished them about the need to address climate change, even using the odd term “carbon pollution” to describe fossil fuel use. One irritated donor turned to me and whispered: “That sound you hear is checkbooks slamming shut across the nation.”)
Yet Graham takes foreign policy very seriously, as well as the fate of Americans serving abroad. He has, after all, been one of them. In pursuing answers on Benghazi, he is doing what the mainstream media ought to have done, and what the nation wants to be done. He is also answering Obama’s challenge in November: “If Sen. McCain and Sen. Graham and others want to go after somebody [on Libya], they should go after me.”
The first story was headlined, “Obsessed.” It described the promised by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to block the confirmations of former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan to the posts of Secretary of Defense and CIA Director, respectively, unless the Obama administration fully explained the president’s actions during the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on Sep. 11.
Graham is no wide-eyed ideologue. Many conservatives consider him a squish on core issues. (I was once present to hear Graham address a gathering of high-dollar donors. He admonished them about the need to address climate change, even using the odd term “carbon pollution” to describe fossil fuel use. One irritated donor turned to me and whispered: “That sound you hear is checkbooks slamming shut across the nation.”)
Yet Graham takes foreign policy very seriously, as well as the fate of Americans serving abroad. He has, after all, been one of them. In pursuing answers on Benghazi, he is doing what the mainstream media ought to have done, and what the nation wants to be done. He is also answering Obama’s challenge in November: “If Sen. McCain and Sen. Graham and others want to go after somebody [on Libya], they should go after me.”
foreign policy,
Huffington Post,
Joel B Pollak,
Senator Lindsey Graham,
"And Obama, look at him. He cares about the children... Screw you! You don’t think we care about the children?”
For original article go to: http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2013/02/05/Ann-Coulter-To-Obama-Screw-You
'screw you',
Ann Coulter,
gun control,
Sean Hannity,
universal registration
- Matthew Boyle
In at least the second such encounter in recent weeks, the social media website Facebook has run into issues with conservatives posting information that has caused the site to block Tea Partiers from posting--at least temporarily.
Now, Facebook blocked two stay-at-home Tea Party moms from posting material that’s pro-conservative and critical of liberals including President Barack Obama, Breitbart News has learned. The two moms--Patty and Lisa (they requested Breitbart News not use their last names, as they have “received death threats on our page and would prefer to remain somewhat anonymous”)--have had some issues with regard to posting materials that have gotten caught up in Facebook’s web, starting as early as October 2012.
Then, Patty posted a Breitbart News article, and the photograph contained within the article, on their “100 Percent FED Up” page. The article and photograph were about Rapper Snoop Dogg, and how he tweeted out a picture of a handwritten note containing reasons why somebody should vote for President Barack Obama for re-election.
Merely posting that article from Breitbart News and the photograph with it--with no editorial commentary of her own--earned Patty a three-day block from posting any content on Facebook. Official warnings popped up on her screen advising her that she violated Facebook’s “Community Standards.”
A few months later, Patty posted a photograph of Adolf Hitler bearing the text: “Never forget what this tyrant said: 'To conquer a nation first disarm its citizens.' - Adolf Hitler." Hitler actually said that, but Patty was blocked then for seven days (she ended up getting it reduced to approximately five days by contacting support) from Facebook.
Then, Wednesday evening this week, Patty posted the home address and contact information of Gracia C. Martore, the president and CEO of Gannett. Gannett publishes theJournal News newspaper in New York that recently printed a list of firearms owners’ personal information. Facebook blocked Patty for 30 days, as of Wednesday night, for that post.
As of late Thursday, she remained blocked and could not post anything on Facebook except for private messages.
But Facebook spokesman Fred Wolens told Breitbart News what happened was a mistake on the social media company’s part, and the company plans to fix the issue as fast as they can. With regard to the first two instances--the Snoop Dogg story and the Hitler photo--Wolens told Breitbart News that his team couldn’t find specific records of those blocks. “While we couldn't find the photos from the first two examples, if they were posted as described, they would not violate our policies,” Wolens said.
With the Gannett CEO photo information, Wolens said Facebook found the example and has determined that block to be a mistake. “[That] block was a mistake on our part, and we will follow up with our User Operations team to make sure this does not happen again,” Wolens said. “Additionally, we will reach out to the Page admins to communicate this error.”
Wolens added that “these actions are not politically motivated in any way.”
In at least the second such encounter in recent weeks, the social media website Facebook has run into issues with conservatives posting information that has caused the site to block Tea Partiers from posting--at least temporarily.
Then, Patty posted a Breitbart News article, and the photograph contained within the article, on their “100 Percent FED Up” page. The article and photograph were about Rapper Snoop Dogg, and how he tweeted out a picture of a handwritten note containing reasons why somebody should vote for President Barack Obama for re-election.
Merely posting that article from Breitbart News and the photograph with it--with no editorial commentary of her own--earned Patty a three-day block from posting any content on Facebook. Official warnings popped up on her screen advising her that she violated Facebook’s “Community Standards.”
A few months later, Patty posted a photograph of Adolf Hitler bearing the text: “Never forget what this tyrant said: 'To conquer a nation first disarm its citizens.' - Adolf Hitler." Hitler actually said that, but Patty was blocked then for seven days (she ended up getting it reduced to approximately five days by contacting support) from Facebook.
Then, Wednesday evening this week, Patty posted the home address and contact information of Gracia C. Martore, the president and CEO of Gannett. Gannett publishes theJournal News newspaper in New York that recently printed a list of firearms owners’ personal information. Facebook blocked Patty for 30 days, as of Wednesday night, for that post.
As of late Thursday, she remained blocked and could not post anything on Facebook except for private messages.
But Facebook spokesman Fred Wolens told Breitbart News what happened was a mistake on the social media company’s part, and the company plans to fix the issue as fast as they can. With regard to the first two instances--the Snoop Dogg story and the Hitler photo--Wolens told Breitbart News that his team couldn’t find specific records of those blocks. “While we couldn't find the photos from the first two examples, if they were posted as described, they would not violate our policies,” Wolens said.
With the Gannett CEO photo information, Wolens said Facebook found the example and has determined that block to be a mistake. “[That] block was a mistake on our part, and we will follow up with our User Operations team to make sure this does not happen again,” Wolens said. “Additionally, we will reach out to the Page admins to communicate this error.”
Wolens added that “these actions are not politically motivated in any way.”
'100 Percent FED Up',
Gracia C. Martore,
Journal News,
Matthew Boyle,
Tea Party Moms
Today came the shocking news that 85-year-old Pope Benedict XVI has made the decision to resign at the end of the month, citing advanced age, fatigue, and exhaustion. While MSNBC kept its coverage respectful, CNN showed no such restraint, and immediately used the news as an excuse to launch into a frenzy of Catholic-bashing.
While Piers Morgan, with no evidence whatsoever, used Twitter to spread conspiracy theories...
As a Catholic, I'm not buying this. Popes don't just quit because they're tired. What's going on here??— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) February 11, 2013
You see, according to CNN, the Pope is retiring because dealing with the child abuse scandal exhausted him:
Much of the questioning about "the why" -- about why the Pope would be stepping down -- would be questions about the impact that the sex scandal, that has enveloped the Catholic church, would be having on the Pope.
O'Brien then spoke to her first outside "expert," left-wing filmmaker Alex Gibney, who directed the HBO film "Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God"-- a documentary about the child abuse scandal. O'Brien set Gibney's narrative immediately with this opening question:
"There also has to be some pressure and impact from what you really talked about; the sex scandal that has been a huge problem and enveloped much of the Catholic Church over the last decade."
Gibney fed the conspiracy theory by holding Pope Benedict XVI directly responsible for the scandal before going off on a wild tangent of outright Catholic-bashing:
"The other part that Benedict has played here is as a man going very hard over dissenters in the church. He's tried very hard to uphold charity of doctrine. So a lot of people have been drummed out of oppositions, only for questioning things like forced celibacy, or gay marriage, or the role of women."
Anyone who's watched Pope Benedict for any period of time knows that he's become shockingly frail, and at an alarming rate. That fact is something O'Brien never bothered to bring up. Her agenda, quite obviously, no matter how hard she has to stretch, is to tie The Narrative of the Pope's retirement to the child abuse scandal, because that's what she wants to talk about.
For more of the article go to: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2013/02/11/CNN-Uses-Resignation-News-to-Trash-Pope-Catholic-Church
Alex Gibney,
John Nolte,
Piers Morgan,
Pope Benedict XVI,
Soledad O'Brien,
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Majoring in Minors: Turning Our Schools into Totalitarian Enclaves
- John W. Whitehead
Just as the 9/11 terrorist attacks created a watershed between the freedoms we enjoyed and our awareness of America’s vulnerability to attack, so the spate of school shootings over the past 10-plus years from Columbine to Newtown has drastically altered the way young people are perceived and treated, trnsforming them from innocent bystanders into both victims and culprits. Consequently, school officials, attempting to both protect and control young people, have adopted draconian zero tolerance policies, stringent security measures and cutting-edge technologies that have all but transformed the schools into quasi-prisons.
In their zeal to make the schools safer, school officials have succumbed to a near-manic paranoia about anything even remotely connected to guns and violence, such that a child who brings a piece of paper loosely shaped like a gun to school is treated as harshly as the youngster who brings an actual gun. Yet, by majoring in minors, as it were, treating all students as suspects and harshly punishing kids for innocent mistakes, the schools are setting themselves and us up for failure—not only by focusing on the wrong individuals and allowing true threats to go undetected but also by treating young people as if they have no rights, thereby laying the groundwork for future generations that are altogether ignorant of their rights as citizens and unprepared to defend them.
Nowhere is this more evident than in the increasingly harsh punishments and investigative tactics being doled out on young people for engaging in childish behavior or for daring to challenge the authority of school officials. Whereas in the past, minor behavioral infractions at school such as shooting spitwads may have warranted a trip to the principal’s office, in-school detention or a phone call to one’s parents, today, they are elevated to the level of criminal behavior with all that implies. Consequently, young people are now being forcibly removed by police officers from the classroom, strip searched, arrested, handcuffed, transported in the back of police squad cars, and placed in police holding cells until their frantic parents can get them out. For those unlucky enough to be targeted for such punishment, the experience will stay with them long after they are allowed back at school. In fact, it will stay with them for the rest of their lives in the form of a criminal record.
Consider the case of Wilson Reyes, a seven-year-old elementary school student from the Bronx who got into a scuffle with a classmate over a $5 bill. In response to the incident, school officials called police, who arrested Reyes, transported him to the police station and allegedly handcuffed the child to a wall and interrogated him for ten hours about his behavior and the location of the money. His family is in the midst of pursuing a lawsuit against the police and the city for their egregious behavior.
A North Carolina public school allegedly strip-searched a 10-year-old boy in search of a $20 bill lost by another student, despite the fact that the boy, J.C., twice told school officials he did not have the missing money. The assistant principal, a woman, reportedly ordered the fifth grader to disrobe down to his underwear and subjected him to an aggressive strip-search that included rimming the edge of his underwear. The missing money was later found in the school cafeteria.
And in Chicago, a 15-year-old boy accused by an anonymous tipster of holding drugs was taken to a locker room by two security guards, a Chicago police officer, and a female assistant principal, and made to stand against a wall and drop his pants while one of the security guards inspected his genitals. No drugs were found.
That students as young as seven years old are being strip searched by school officials, over missing money, no less, flies in the face of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2009 ruling in Safford Unif. Sch. Dist. v. Redding. Insisting that Arizona school officials violated the Fourth Amendment rights of a 13-year-old girl when they strip-searched her on the suspicion she was hiding ibuprofen in her underwear, the justices declared that educators cannot force children to remove their clothing unless student safety is at risk.
Precedent-setting or not, however, the Court’s ruling has done little to improve conditions for young people who are the unfortunate casualties in the schools’ so-called quest for “student safety.” Indeed, with each school shooting, the climate of intolerance for “unacceptable” behavior such as getting into food fights, playing tag, doodling, hugging, kicking, and throwing temper tantrums only intensifies. And as surveillance cameras, metal detectors, police patrols, zero tolerance policies, lock downs, drug sniffing dogs and strip searches become the norm in elementary, middle and high schools across the nation, the punishments being meted out for childish behavior grow harsher.
“Unfortunately, children do not organize, have no access to the media, and do not vote. They are relatively powerless to improve their own condition. Children need adults who will advocate for them.”—Professor David Elkind, Tufts University
Just as the 9/11 terrorist attacks created a watershed between the freedoms we enjoyed and our awareness of America’s vulnerability to attack, so the spate of school shootings over the past 10-plus years from Columbine to Newtown has drastically altered the way young people are perceived and treated, trnsforming them from innocent bystanders into both victims and culprits. Consequently, school officials, attempting to both protect and control young people, have adopted draconian zero tolerance policies, stringent security measures and cutting-edge technologies that have all but transformed the schools into quasi-prisons.
In their zeal to make the schools safer, school officials have succumbed to a near-manic paranoia about anything even remotely connected to guns and violence, such that a child who brings a piece of paper loosely shaped like a gun to school is treated as harshly as the youngster who brings an actual gun. Yet, by majoring in minors, as it were, treating all students as suspects and harshly punishing kids for innocent mistakes, the schools are setting themselves and us up for failure—not only by focusing on the wrong individuals and allowing true threats to go undetected but also by treating young people as if they have no rights, thereby laying the groundwork for future generations that are altogether ignorant of their rights as citizens and unprepared to defend them.
Nowhere is this more evident than in the increasingly harsh punishments and investigative tactics being doled out on young people for engaging in childish behavior or for daring to challenge the authority of school officials. Whereas in the past, minor behavioral infractions at school such as shooting spitwads may have warranted a trip to the principal’s office, in-school detention or a phone call to one’s parents, today, they are elevated to the level of criminal behavior with all that implies. Consequently, young people are now being forcibly removed by police officers from the classroom, strip searched, arrested, handcuffed, transported in the back of police squad cars, and placed in police holding cells until their frantic parents can get them out. For those unlucky enough to be targeted for such punishment, the experience will stay with them long after they are allowed back at school. In fact, it will stay with them for the rest of their lives in the form of a criminal record.
Consider the case of Wilson Reyes, a seven-year-old elementary school student from the Bronx who got into a scuffle with a classmate over a $5 bill. In response to the incident, school officials called police, who arrested Reyes, transported him to the police station and allegedly handcuffed the child to a wall and interrogated him for ten hours about his behavior and the location of the money. His family is in the midst of pursuing a lawsuit against the police and the city for their egregious behavior.
A North Carolina public school allegedly strip-searched a 10-year-old boy in search of a $20 bill lost by another student, despite the fact that the boy, J.C., twice told school officials he did not have the missing money. The assistant principal, a woman, reportedly ordered the fifth grader to disrobe down to his underwear and subjected him to an aggressive strip-search that included rimming the edge of his underwear. The missing money was later found in the school cafeteria.
And in Chicago, a 15-year-old boy accused by an anonymous tipster of holding drugs was taken to a locker room by two security guards, a Chicago police officer, and a female assistant principal, and made to stand against a wall and drop his pants while one of the security guards inspected his genitals. No drugs were found.
That students as young as seven years old are being strip searched by school officials, over missing money, no less, flies in the face of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2009 ruling in Safford Unif. Sch. Dist. v. Redding. Insisting that Arizona school officials violated the Fourth Amendment rights of a 13-year-old girl when they strip-searched her on the suspicion she was hiding ibuprofen in her underwear, the justices declared that educators cannot force children to remove their clothing unless student safety is at risk.
Precedent-setting or not, however, the Court’s ruling has done little to improve conditions for young people who are the unfortunate casualties in the schools’ so-called quest for “student safety.” Indeed, with each school shooting, the climate of intolerance for “unacceptable” behavior such as getting into food fights, playing tag, doodling, hugging, kicking, and throwing temper tantrums only intensifies. And as surveillance cameras, metal detectors, police patrols, zero tolerance policies, lock downs, drug sniffing dogs and strip searches become the norm in elementary, middle and high schools across the nation, the punishments being meted out for childish behavior grow harsher.
For more of the article go to: http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/52885
So God Made a Democrat
- Daniel Greenfield
God looked down on Washington D.C. and said “I need someone who will steal morning, noon and night. Who will steal from the rich to give to the poor and steal from the poor to give to the rich and fool them all and keep all the loot.”

So God made a Democrat.
God said, “I need college man to come to a farm and tell the farmer that he can’t feed his hogs with lettuce from his own farm or use the manure from his pigs to grow his lettuce. I need an inspector who will tell him how much he can sell his milk for and warn him that his son riding on the tractor constitutes child labor. I need someone to pay a farmer not to farm so that poor people can’t afford bread.”
So God made a Democrat.
“I want a union organizer who hires non-union picketers to keep workers from working, a politician who fights for the people by taking money from billionaires and a clergyman who worships whoever runs on the party line. I want a banker who fights for the poor and gives to the party and a party that pays the poor man eight times to vote for the banker’s man.”
So God made a Democrat.
“I need someone to retire at 55 with generous benefits from a government job. I need lawmakers who will pass laws without reading them. I need teachers who refuse to teach kids unless they’re paid twice as much as any worker in their city. I need people to sit on commissions and make rules about lines of work that they’ve never been in.”
So God made a Democrat
“I need a Catholic who’s for abortion. A Jew who’s for Palestine. A Mormon who’s against the Church. A Baptist who’s for evolution. A Methodist who doesn’t believe in god. And a Muslim who believes in destroying America.”
So God made a Democrat.
He said, “I need someone who starts all the wars and protests against all the wars. Who is first in line to sign up to fight against his country but comes out as a pacifist when it’s time to defend it. I want war heroes who throw their medals over fences and then gather them up again when it’s time to run for office. I want men who are for everything before they’re against it”
So God made a Democrat.
“I need a working class man who who has never worked a day in his life, but always talks about caring for those who do. I need a man who talks all the time about helping women, blacks, lesbians, Eskimos and Martians get ahead and then drops them like a dirty rag when he has what he wants. A man who gets up at 11:30 in the afternoon to help the less fortunate by passing laws that will make them even less fortunate. A man who takes nine tenths of what’s meant for the poor and lets them have the leftovers.”
So God made a Democrat.
“I need a man who believes in himself too much to take responsibility for anything he did. I need a man who is tolerantly intolerant, who is outraged all day by everything in the world except his own outrageous behavior. I need a man who is for freedom of speech except when he’s offended, for freedom of religion except when he disagrees with it and for the right to bear arms but only for those weapons that existed in 1791.”
So God made a Democrat.
God said, “I need a party of jackasses that will always break through the fence and spoil everything that the farmer grows. I need bad men to test good men and liars, cheats and thieves with clipboards to teach neighbors to stick together against them. I need a man with no more conscience than a rattlesnake leading a band of fools with less sense than sheep. And I need him to keep the farmers and ranchers, the workers and doers on their toes so they always remember that evil never rests and keeping it down can sometimes be the hardest work of all.”
So God made a Democrat.
For original article go to: http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/53005
God looked down on Washington D.C. and said “I need someone who will steal morning, noon and night. Who will steal from the rich to give to the poor and steal from the poor to give to the rich and fool them all and keep all the loot.”
So God made a Democrat.
God said, “I need college man to come to a farm and tell the farmer that he can’t feed his hogs with lettuce from his own farm or use the manure from his pigs to grow his lettuce. I need an inspector who will tell him how much he can sell his milk for and warn him that his son riding on the tractor constitutes child labor. I need someone to pay a farmer not to farm so that poor people can’t afford bread.”
So God made a Democrat.
“I want a union organizer who hires non-union picketers to keep workers from working, a politician who fights for the people by taking money from billionaires and a clergyman who worships whoever runs on the party line. I want a banker who fights for the poor and gives to the party and a party that pays the poor man eight times to vote for the banker’s man.”
So God made a Democrat.
“I need someone to retire at 55 with generous benefits from a government job. I need lawmakers who will pass laws without reading them. I need teachers who refuse to teach kids unless they’re paid twice as much as any worker in their city. I need people to sit on commissions and make rules about lines of work that they’ve never been in.”
So God made a Democrat
“I need a Catholic who’s for abortion. A Jew who’s for Palestine. A Mormon who’s against the Church. A Baptist who’s for evolution. A Methodist who doesn’t believe in god. And a Muslim who believes in destroying America.”
So God made a Democrat.
He said, “I need someone who starts all the wars and protests against all the wars. Who is first in line to sign up to fight against his country but comes out as a pacifist when it’s time to defend it. I want war heroes who throw their medals over fences and then gather them up again when it’s time to run for office. I want men who are for everything before they’re against it”
So God made a Democrat.

So God made a Democrat.
“I need a man who believes in himself too much to take responsibility for anything he did. I need a man who is tolerantly intolerant, who is outraged all day by everything in the world except his own outrageous behavior. I need a man who is for freedom of speech except when he’s offended, for freedom of religion except when he disagrees with it and for the right to bear arms but only for those weapons that existed in 1791.”
So God made a Democrat.
God said, “I need a party of jackasses that will always break through the fence and spoil everything that the farmer grows. I need bad men to test good men and liars, cheats and thieves with clipboards to teach neighbors to stick together against them. I need a man with no more conscience than a rattlesnake leading a band of fools with less sense than sheep. And I need him to keep the farmers and ranchers, the workers and doers on their toes so they always remember that evil never rests and keeping it down can sometimes be the hardest work of all.”
So God made a Democrat.
For original article go to: http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/53005
Daniel Greenfield,
Clash of Faith and Tyranny
- Sharon Sebastian
Deny God as Creator
The foundation for modern despotism was laid in mid-1800 when the false scientific justification to deny God as Creator started with a man named Charles Darwin. Darwin’s theory of evolution divided humans into superior and inferior status. Darwin, in his own writings, labeled people of color, in particular black people, as sub-par and sub-human. The theory was eventually applied to poor, white Europeans. The appeal of such a theory held great appeal to men who both denied the existence of God and sought personal and political superiority. Among them was Karl Marx, the father of Communism, who was so pleased with Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution that he sent him gifts, including a signed copy of Das Kapital in 1873 inscribed: “From a devoted admirer to Charles Darwin, Karl Marx.“ Equally grateful to Darwin were mass murderers Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Hitler. All wrote of Darwin’s influence on them and their policies to oppress masses of people. (For more on Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Hitler’s views on evolution, see Chapter 5 of Darwin’s Racists – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, (DarwinsRacists.com).
Socialism seeks to diminish God in society. Marxism’s goal is to ultimately rid society of God
Exposure of both ideologies occurs when the tyrant’s diktats openly collide with God given rights and laws. Christian Purge: The Hitler Factor states: Adolf Hitler allowed religions. Early in his political career, he praised Catholicism. Initially, he also was favorably inclined toward Christianity. In time, as he garnered power, Hitler came to find Christianity particularly troublesome when Christian pastors spoke out against his systematic annihilation of Germany’s Jews. Hitler set out to wash the veneer of Christian beliefs from German society. He sought a new religion that would spring from the Nazi party with the pagan Swastika as its symbol to replace the Cross as he sought to transform Germany into a new nation. In time, Hitler allowed comment that: “You can be German or you can be Christian, but you can’t be both.” Hitler declared, “Evolution was the natural order of things,” allowing him to debase Jewish people, homosexuals and the disabled to a lower evolutionary scale and send them to death camps for extermination. He allowed that, “National Socialism and Christianity cannot co-exist together.” Historians record that Hitler’s religious views vacillated as his power grew until it became difficult to discern if the god Hitler actually worshiped was himself.
Hitler created the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) and surrounded himself with men who were atheists or occultists who shared the desire to replace Christianity with a religion that did not require conscience. Men like Hitler’s Deputy Chancellor of the Reich, Rudolph Hess, and Heinrich Himmler, who oversaw the Nazi death camps, were occultists. Himmler stated a preference for the faith of anti-Semitic Muslims who were willing to die for the German cause to attain a reward in their heaven. German school children were indoctrinated to sing praise songs, “Hitler is our Savior, Hitler is our Lord.” Hitler made his memoir, Mein Kampf, the official bible of Nazism.
Again, early in his career, Hitler stated a favorable view of Christianity. Historians reveal that, in time, power turned him inward to self-worship that perpetuated his growing alienation from Christianity resulting in the imprisonment and death of Christians and their pastors. Nazi Germany stands as a warning to all societies that look the other way or tolerate a denunciation or assault on Christianity and Judaism by their political leaders. Marxism and Fascism need to eliminate God so that conscience is muted and the government can become god in people’s lives. First to enable that vulnerability are pastors, rabbis and priests, clergy-in-name-only, who adhere more to the culture than to scripture. Government can displace faux faith, but never true faith.
Karl Marx described Socialism as a progression into MarxismSocialism strips people of initiative, innovation and self-reliance and encourages a dependence on government, “the new god,” from cradle to grave. Historically, Americans have resisted becoming wards of the state. The danger today lies with a plethora of laws being passed that are currently suppressing faith and legislating values and morality out of American life. Laws in process in Congress or already enacted by Presidential executive orders carry fines and penalties to force all people to forego personal and religious liberties. Marxism, Socialism, and Fascism counter America’s founding faith and its inherent freedoms. History begs that Americans take heed if America is to remain one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.
For more of the article go to: http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/53007
"German school children were indoctrinated to sing praise songs, 'Hitler is our Savior, Hitler is our Lord.' Hitler made his memoir, Mein Kampf, the official bible of Nazism."Tyrants in-the-making initially display the veneer of compassion for “their people.” They make irrational promises of a utopian existence to garner support of the masses. Their power often emanates from public adulation. Such adulation, combined with a tyrant’s narcissistic inability to be self-critical, imbues a superiority that progresses into self-worship. The greater their power, the more tyrants succumb to self-glorification even to the point of challenging the laws of God. Progressively, they enforce an aberrant legal system with fines, penalties and punishments to force compliance to their will. Those who disagree, pay severe retributions. Devaluing life is key, in that it allows for mistreatment or eventual eradication of selected groups whether they are in opposition or indefensible numbers. Absolute control comes with the power to decide the death of citizens without legal oversight. It is the way of tyrants.
Deny God as Creator
The foundation for modern despotism was laid in mid-1800 when the false scientific justification to deny God as Creator started with a man named Charles Darwin. Darwin’s theory of evolution divided humans into superior and inferior status. Darwin, in his own writings, labeled people of color, in particular black people, as sub-par and sub-human. The theory was eventually applied to poor, white Europeans. The appeal of such a theory held great appeal to men who both denied the existence of God and sought personal and political superiority. Among them was Karl Marx, the father of Communism, who was so pleased with Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution that he sent him gifts, including a signed copy of Das Kapital in 1873 inscribed: “From a devoted admirer to Charles Darwin, Karl Marx.“ Equally grateful to Darwin were mass murderers Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Hitler. All wrote of Darwin’s influence on them and their policies to oppress masses of people. (For more on Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Hitler’s views on evolution, see Chapter 5 of Darwin’s Racists – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, (DarwinsRacists.com).
Socialism seeks to diminish God in society. Marxism’s goal is to ultimately rid society of God
Exposure of both ideologies occurs when the tyrant’s diktats openly collide with God given rights and laws. Christian Purge: The Hitler Factor states: Adolf Hitler allowed religions. Early in his political career, he praised Catholicism. Initially, he also was favorably inclined toward Christianity. In time, as he garnered power, Hitler came to find Christianity particularly troublesome when Christian pastors spoke out against his systematic annihilation of Germany’s Jews. Hitler set out to wash the veneer of Christian beliefs from German society. He sought a new religion that would spring from the Nazi party with the pagan Swastika as its symbol to replace the Cross as he sought to transform Germany into a new nation. In time, Hitler allowed comment that: “You can be German or you can be Christian, but you can’t be both.” Hitler declared, “Evolution was the natural order of things,” allowing him to debase Jewish people, homosexuals and the disabled to a lower evolutionary scale and send them to death camps for extermination. He allowed that, “National Socialism and Christianity cannot co-exist together.” Historians record that Hitler’s religious views vacillated as his power grew until it became difficult to discern if the god Hitler actually worshiped was himself.
Hitler created the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) and surrounded himself with men who were atheists or occultists who shared the desire to replace Christianity with a religion that did not require conscience. Men like Hitler’s Deputy Chancellor of the Reich, Rudolph Hess, and Heinrich Himmler, who oversaw the Nazi death camps, were occultists. Himmler stated a preference for the faith of anti-Semitic Muslims who were willing to die for the German cause to attain a reward in their heaven. German school children were indoctrinated to sing praise songs, “Hitler is our Savior, Hitler is our Lord.” Hitler made his memoir, Mein Kampf, the official bible of Nazism.
Again, early in his career, Hitler stated a favorable view of Christianity. Historians reveal that, in time, power turned him inward to self-worship that perpetuated his growing alienation from Christianity resulting in the imprisonment and death of Christians and their pastors. Nazi Germany stands as a warning to all societies that look the other way or tolerate a denunciation or assault on Christianity and Judaism by their political leaders. Marxism and Fascism need to eliminate God so that conscience is muted and the government can become god in people’s lives. First to enable that vulnerability are pastors, rabbis and priests, clergy-in-name-only, who adhere more to the culture than to scripture. Government can displace faux faith, but never true faith.
Karl Marx described Socialism as a progression into MarxismSocialism strips people of initiative, innovation and self-reliance and encourages a dependence on government, “the new god,” from cradle to grave. Historically, Americans have resisted becoming wards of the state. The danger today lies with a plethora of laws being passed that are currently suppressing faith and legislating values and morality out of American life. Laws in process in Congress or already enacted by Presidential executive orders carry fines and penalties to force all people to forego personal and religious liberties. Marxism, Socialism, and Fascism counter America’s founding faith and its inherent freedoms. History begs that Americans take heed if America is to remain one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.
For more of the article go to: http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/53007
Charles Darwin,
Karl Marx,
Sharon Sebastian,
Killer Dorner’s Supporters Are Par for the Left’s Course
- Selwyn Duke
While I was a conservative by age 12, for some time thereafter I viewed liberalism as most do—as just another ideology. Sure, it was an irritating ideology, but an ideology nonetheless. But then something happened. I don’t quite remember if I was 20, 21, or 22, but some experiences in my life and much pondering of the issues and the human condition led to an insight. It hit me like a bolt of lightning:
Liberalism is what evil is masquerading as in our time.
I won’t go into the labyrinthine details of the matter here, but it was a life-changing epiphany that ultimately led to a transition from secular-conservative/libertarian to man of faith and walking, talking anachronism. And it made me realize that liberals aren’t just misguided, which they are—they’re also in bed with evil.
This is apparent in much of what they do, and the support that murdering fugitive Christopher Dorner is receiving from the left is a good example. It doesn’t matter that Dorner is clearly an unhinged man blaming others for his own failures; it doesn’t matter that he shot innocent people; it doesn’t matter that the only sin of one of those innocents, Monica Quan, was being the daughter of a man who Dorner thought didn’t represent him adequately during an LAPD review process, and that another’s only sin was agreeing to become Quan’s fiancé. None of this matters, because Dorner possesses all the qualifications of a leftist zero hero: he’s pro-gun control, admires other zeroes such as Barack Obama and Piers Morgan, and is anti-cop.
Thus are there Facebook pages dedicated to Dorner, such as “We Are All Chris Dorner” (if this means all of the left, it’s a tenable theory), whose creator calls the killer “the victim of a manhunt and smear campaign.” One poster at the page named Aaron Hughes writes, “this guy is a hero.” Another page is “We Support Christopher Dorner,” with postings such as this one from a James McCarthy: “I support you and good hunting ,, tou [sic] are a true patriot.” This is just a small sampling, mind you.
There are also pictures, with captions such as:
Of course, we’ll hear that these are just “exceptions,” but the left has a funny knack for turning exceptions into the rule. And as far as patterns go, it certainly is the rule. Just consider many leftists’ response to a very cute pre-election video of a six-year-old boy giving ten reasons not to vote for Barack Obama. Here’s a handful of their YouTube postings (excerpted from a PatriotUpdate.com article):
Liberalism is what evil is masquerading as in our time.
I won’t go into the labyrinthine details of the matter here, but it was a life-changing epiphany that ultimately led to a transition from secular-conservative/libertarian to man of faith and walking, talking anachronism. And it made me realize that liberals aren’t just misguided, which they are—they’re also in bed with evil.
This is apparent in much of what they do, and the support that murdering fugitive Christopher Dorner is receiving from the left is a good example. It doesn’t matter that Dorner is clearly an unhinged man blaming others for his own failures; it doesn’t matter that he shot innocent people; it doesn’t matter that the only sin of one of those innocents, Monica Quan, was being the daughter of a man who Dorner thought didn’t represent him adequately during an LAPD review process, and that another’s only sin was agreeing to become Quan’s fiancé. None of this matters, because Dorner possesses all the qualifications of a leftist zero hero: he’s pro-gun control, admires other zeroes such as Barack Obama and Piers Morgan, and is anti-cop.
Thus are there Facebook pages dedicated to Dorner, such as “We Are All Chris Dorner” (if this means all of the left, it’s a tenable theory), whose creator calls the killer “the victim of a manhunt and smear campaign.” One poster at the page named Aaron Hughes writes, “this guy is a hero.” Another page is “We Support Christopher Dorner,” with postings such as this one from a James McCarthy: “I support you and good hunting ,, tou [sic] are a true patriot.” This is just a small sampling, mind you.
There are also pictures, with captions such as:
SO WE’LL HATE HIMThen there’s:
Because he can take it. Because he’s not our hero. He’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.
Once again, this is but a sampling.WANTEDFOR TAKING OUT THE TRASH
Of course, we’ll hear that these are just “exceptions,” but the left has a funny knack for turning exceptions into the rule. And as far as patterns go, it certainly is the rule. Just consider many leftists’ response to a very cute pre-election video of a six-year-old boy giving ten reasons not to vote for Barack Obama. Here’s a handful of their YouTube postings (excerpted from a PatriotUpdate.com article):
And here is one I have to print so it can be cleaned up (as much as liberals’ messes can be):
Note that liberals often use children to spread their message; everything is “for the children”...and by the children and of the children. Obama just surrounded himself with them when signing gun-control executive orders and had little tykes reading statements. We had to watch in 2008 as kids marched for him in videos and sang “Barack Hussein Obama, mm, mm, mm!” But did you ever see conservatives post vile sentiments anytime, anywhere about how they wanted to abuse or kill these children? I spend many hours on the internet and have never seen such a thing. Of course, a leftist may unearth an example—and I wouldn’t be surprised if such a thing were manufactured, NBC-style—but the point is that exceptions on the right actually are just that. Exceptions on the left are everywhere.
For more of the article go to: http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/53021
GO F*** YOUR MOTHER YOU LITTLE ****SUCKING HOMOPHOBIC GUN LOVING ****SUCKER IF YOU WERE MY F****** KID I WOULD BE GIVING THE BIGGEST S**T KICKING OF A LIFETIME YOU LITTLE GOOD GOD FEARING GOOD FOR F****** NOTHING F****** ****SUCKER!!!!!!I want to reiterate that we’re talking about a cute, innocent six-year-old child here. And again, we’ll be told that such sentiments aren’t representative of the left, but are they really all that unrepresentative of the passionate left?
Note that liberals often use children to spread their message; everything is “for the children”...and by the children and of the children. Obama just surrounded himself with them when signing gun-control executive orders and had little tykes reading statements. We had to watch in 2008 as kids marched for him in videos and sang “Barack Hussein Obama, mm, mm, mm!” But did you ever see conservatives post vile sentiments anytime, anywhere about how they wanted to abuse or kill these children? I spend many hours on the internet and have never seen such a thing. Of course, a leftist may unearth an example—and I wouldn’t be surprised if such a thing were manufactured, NBC-style—but the point is that exceptions on the right actually are just that. Exceptions on the left are everywhere.
For more of the article go to: http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/53021
Christopher Dorner,
Monica Quan,
Selwyn Duke
- Erica Ritz
(TheBlaze/AP) — The self-proclaimed “toughest sheriff” in America joined forces this weekend with action movie star Steven Seagal to train volunteer posse members to defend Phoenix-area schools against gunmen.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced the controversial plan in the wake of the December Newtown, Conn., school shooting that left 27 people dead, including the gunman and 20 first-graders.
The exercise Saturday was held at a closed school site in suburban Fountain Hills outside Phoenix where sheriff’s SWAT members acted as shooters and 25 teenagers played the part of students during mock scenarios involving up to three gunmen. According to 3TV, the group practiced with several different types of guns, all firing blanks.
Seagal, best known for his roles in movies such as “Above the Law” and “Under Siege,” will lead training on hand-to-hand defense tactics and other techniques drawing from his expertise in martial arts, according to a sheriff’s office news release.
When faced with criticism in January about the school posse plan, Arpaio snapped back: “Why would people complain about my posse being in front of schools to act as prevention?”
He boldly announced the plan on the grounds of an elementary school, saying at the time he wanted the patrols publicized.
“I want everyone to know about it for the deterrence effect,” Arpaio said, adding that no taxpayer money would be spent on the patrols and volunteers would be supervised over the radio or telephone by actual deputies.
But Arizona Democratic House Minority Leader Chad Campbell called the plan to use Seagal as an instructor “ludicrous.”
“Steve Seagal is an actor. That’s it. Why don’t we also have Clint Eastwood and Chuck Norris and Bruce Willis come out and train them too while we’re at it,” Campbell said with condescension.
Campbell has been a vocal critic of Arpaio’s school posse protection plan, complaining that using untrained, armed civilians to protect students is a bad idea and likely will only make the facilities more dangerous.
“He’s making a mockery out of it. You’re having a movie actor train people how to protect schools?” Campbell said.
Current posse members already are used to bolster the sheriff’s office force by providing police protection at malls during the holidays, directing traffic and transporting people to jail. But the sheriff announced this week that he needs more members to continue the work, calling for 1,000 additional citizens to step up and volunteer.
(TheBlaze/AP) — The self-proclaimed “toughest sheriff” in America joined forces this weekend with action movie star Steven Seagal to train volunteer posse members to defend Phoenix-area schools against gunmen.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced the controversial plan in the wake of the December Newtown, Conn., school shooting that left 27 people dead, including the gunman and 20 first-graders.
The exercise Saturday was held at a closed school site in suburban Fountain Hills outside Phoenix where sheriff’s SWAT members acted as shooters and 25 teenagers played the part of students during mock scenarios involving up to three gunmen. According to 3TV, the group practiced with several different types of guns, all firing blanks.
Seagal, best known for his roles in movies such as “Above the Law” and “Under Siege,” will lead training on hand-to-hand defense tactics and other techniques drawing from his expertise in martial arts, according to a sheriff’s office news release.
He boldly announced the plan on the grounds of an elementary school, saying at the time he wanted the patrols publicized.
“I want everyone to know about it for the deterrence effect,” Arpaio said, adding that no taxpayer money would be spent on the patrols and volunteers would be supervised over the radio or telephone by actual deputies.
But Arizona Democratic House Minority Leader Chad Campbell called the plan to use Seagal as an instructor “ludicrous.”
“Steve Seagal is an actor. That’s it. Why don’t we also have Clint Eastwood and Chuck Norris and Bruce Willis come out and train them too while we’re at it,” Campbell said with condescension.
Campbell has been a vocal critic of Arpaio’s school posse protection plan, complaining that using untrained, armed civilians to protect students is a bad idea and likely will only make the facilities more dangerous.
Current posse members already are used to bolster the sheriff’s office force by providing police protection at malls during the holidays, directing traffic and transporting people to jail. But the sheriff announced this week that he needs more members to continue the work, calling for 1,000 additional citizens to step up and volunteer.
Joselyn Wells, a mother of three children at a school in suburban Phoenix, where Arpaio’s posse has begun patrolling, said she was excited to hear about the initiative.
“A lot of people sit around and watch these things happen, watch key signs and no one wants to do anything about it,” she said when Arpaio announced the plan. “Nobody wants conflict, nobody wants to be out in the limelight. And he doesn’t care. He wants to do the right thing.”
“A lot of people sit around and watch these things happen, watch key signs and no one wants to do anything about it,” she said when Arpaio announced the plan. “Nobody wants conflict, nobody wants to be out in the limelight. And he doesn’t care. He wants to do the right thing.”
Chad Campbell,
Erica Ritz,
Fountain Hills,
Maricopa County,
Sheriff Arpaio,
Steven Seagal,
The Blaze
- Christopher Santarelli
(AP) – A leading Republican senator said Sunday he would hold up Senate confirmation of President Barack Obama’s nominees to head the Defense Department and the CIA until the White House provided more answers about the deadly Sept. 11 attack against a U.S. installation in Benghazi, Libya.
The White House took aim at Sen. Lindsey Graham, a persistent critic of Obama’s response to the terrorist assault, by urging quick approval of the president’s second-term national security team and scolding any lawmakers trying to “play politics” with critical nominations.
Graham accused the White House of “stonewalling” requests to release more information about the attack that killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya. “We’re going to get to the bottom of Benghazi,” he told CBS.
A Democratic colleague branded Graham’s threat to stall the nominations of former Sen. Chuck Hagel to be defense secretary and John Brennan, Obama’s top counterterrorism adviser, to be CIA director as “unprecedented and unwarranted.” Senators should have the chance to vote on the fate of those nominees, said Sen. Jack Reed.
The White House did not address Graham’s demand for more information, but did note that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified Thursday before Congress about the chaotic day of the Sept. 11 attack.
Republicans have accused the Obama administration of an election-year cover-up of the attack, and at the hearing several suggested the commander in chief was disengaged as Americans died.
“We know nothing about what the president did on the night of September 11th during a time of national crisis, and the American people need to know what their commander in chief did, if anything, during this eight-hour attack,” Graham said on CBS.
Graham contended that a six-person rescue team was delayed from leaving the Benghazi airport because of problems “with the militias releasing them and a lot of bureaucratic snafus,” and he said he wants to know whether Obama called any Libyan officials to expedite their mission.
“I don’t think we should allow Brennan to go forward for the CIA directorship, Hagel to be confirmed to secretary of defense until the White House gives us an accounting,” Graham said, adding, “What did he do that night? That’s not unfair. The families need to know, the American people need to know.”
Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for the White House’s National Security Council, said, “We believe the Senate should act swiftly to confirm John Brennan and Sen. Hagel. These are critical national security positions and individual members shouldn’t play politics with their nominations.”
Reed said that “to dwell on a tragic incident and use that to block people is not appropriate. To try to find information, to ask legitimate questions, as Senator Graham is doing is completely appropriate. But then to turn around and say, `I’m going to disrupt, essentially, the nomination of two key members of the President’s Cabinet,’ I don’t think that’s appropriate, I don’t think it’s warranted, I think it is an overreaction that is not going to serve the best interest going forward of the national security of the United States.”
Graham would have none of it.
“In a constitutional democracy, we need to know what our commander in chief was doing at a time of great crisis, and this White House has been stonewalling the Congress, and I’m going to do everything I can to get to the bottom of this so we’ll learn from our mistakes and hold this president accountable for what I think is tremendous disengagement at a time of national security crisis,” he said.
Key Senate Armed Services Committee Republican Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., right, the ranking member, right, joined by Lindsey Graham, center, and Kelly Ayotte, left. (Credit: AP)
(AP) – A leading Republican senator said Sunday he would hold up Senate confirmation of President Barack Obama’s nominees to head the Defense Department and the CIA until the White House provided more answers about the deadly Sept. 11 attack against a U.S. installation in Benghazi, Libya.
The White House took aim at Sen. Lindsey Graham, a persistent critic of Obama’s response to the terrorist assault, by urging quick approval of the president’s second-term national security team and scolding any lawmakers trying to “play politics” with critical nominations.
Graham accused the White House of “stonewalling” requests to release more information about the attack that killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya. “We’re going to get to the bottom of Benghazi,” he told CBS.
A Democratic colleague branded Graham’s threat to stall the nominations of former Sen. Chuck Hagel to be defense secretary and John Brennan, Obama’s top counterterrorism adviser, to be CIA director as “unprecedented and unwarranted.” Senators should have the chance to vote on the fate of those nominees, said Sen. Jack Reed.
The White House did not address Graham’s demand for more information, but did note that Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified Thursday before Congress about the chaotic day of the Sept. 11 attack.
Republicans have accused the Obama administration of an election-year cover-up of the attack, and at the hearing several suggested the commander in chief was disengaged as Americans died.
“We know nothing about what the president did on the night of September 11th during a time of national crisis, and the American people need to know what their commander in chief did, if anything, during this eight-hour attack,” Graham said on CBS.
Graham contended that a six-person rescue team was delayed from leaving the Benghazi airport because of problems “with the militias releasing them and a lot of bureaucratic snafus,” and he said he wants to know whether Obama called any Libyan officials to expedite their mission.
“I don’t think we should allow Brennan to go forward for the CIA directorship, Hagel to be confirmed to secretary of defense until the White House gives us an accounting,” Graham said, adding, “What did he do that night? That’s not unfair. The families need to know, the American people need to know.”
Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for the White House’s National Security Council, said, “We believe the Senate should act swiftly to confirm John Brennan and Sen. Hagel. These are critical national security positions and individual members shouldn’t play politics with their nominations.”
Reed said that “to dwell on a tragic incident and use that to block people is not appropriate. To try to find information, to ask legitimate questions, as Senator Graham is doing is completely appropriate. But then to turn around and say, `I’m going to disrupt, essentially, the nomination of two key members of the President’s Cabinet,’ I don’t think that’s appropriate, I don’t think it’s warranted, I think it is an overreaction that is not going to serve the best interest going forward of the national security of the United States.”
Graham would have none of it.
“In a constitutional democracy, we need to know what our commander in chief was doing at a time of great crisis, and this White House has been stonewalling the Congress, and I’m going to do everything I can to get to the bottom of this so we’ll learn from our mistakes and hold this president accountable for what I think is tremendous disengagement at a time of national security crisis,” he said.
Dishonored and Disrespected: Obama Disarmed US Marines at Inaugural Parade
- Jim Hoft
A new administration policy? Barack Obama disarmed the US Marines at the Inaugural parade this year.
Dishonored and disarmed: Bolts are clearly missing from these Marine rifles during President Obama’s inauguration parade. This is an unmistakable insult to the honor of the Marine Corps. (Bob Owens) |
The Examiner reported:
“Didn’t know the Marines had to take the bolts out of their rifles for the Inaugural,” an email forwarded to Gun Rights Examiner from a United States Marine Corps source observed. “Wonder if someone can explain why [they] would be marching in the inaugural parade with no bolts in their rifles!”
The email linked to a YouTube video of the 57th Presidential Inaugural Parade, embedded in this column, featuring Bravo Company Marines from the Marine Barracks Washington. Sure enough, the observation in the email is confirmed by watching the video, with screen shots provided in the photo and slide show accompanying this article.This prompted an internet search to see if others had also noticed, and the Blur-Brain blog had.
“The bolts have been removed from the rifles rendering them unable to fire a round,” the post stated. “Apparently Obama’s Secret Service doesn’t trust the USMC. Simply searching each guy to make sure he didn’t have a live round hidden on him wasn’t enough, they had to make sure the guns were inoperable.
Wondering if this may be an inauguration policy of long standing that transcends administrations, Gun Rights Examiner made a cursory search and found something even more curious. In the 2009 Inaugural Parade, the United States Navy marched with rifles that had not been so disabled
It’s not the first time the Obama Administration disarmed US Marines at an event.
In March 2012, US Marines were told to leave their weapons outside the tent during Leon Panetta’s speech in Afghanistan. |
Gateway Pundit,
Jim Hoft,
secret service,
The Examiner
Scholar Pelosi: “We Avow the First Amendment and Say People Have the Right to Have a Gun” (Video)
- Jim Hoft
Well, she’s certainly no constitutional scholar. And, it’s really not surprising that she knows next to nothing on the subject. Scholar Nancy Pelosi told FOX News Sunday host Chris Wallace today,
Well, she’s certainly no constitutional scholar. And, it’s really not surprising that she knows next to nothing on the subject. Scholar Nancy Pelosi told FOX News Sunday host Chris Wallace today,
“We avow the First Amendment. We stand with that and say that people have a right to have a gun to protect themselves. in their homes and their jobs, whatever, and that they — and the workplace and that they, for recreation and hunting and the rest.”Umm-kay.
1st Amendment,
2nd Amendment,
Gateway Pundit,
Jim Hoft,
Nancy Pelosi
What constitutional experts say about high crimes, misdemeanors
- Chelsea Schilling
Should Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th president of the United States, be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors?
It’s not a question yet being asked or debated in the Big Media. But it is a question being addressed by some members of Congress, by an increasing number of pundits by activists on the left and the right – and for more than one or two alleged constitutional offenses.
Some of those who have broached the subject include Reps. Trent Franks, R-Ariz.; Walter Jones, R-N.C.; Trey Radel, R-Fla.; Steve Stockman; former Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas; former Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio; Fox News’ Mike Huckabee; former assistant U.S. attorney Andrew McCarthy; left-leaning investigative reporter Dave Lindorff; talk-radio host Mark Levin; former House Speaker and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich; author and columnist Pat Buchanan and others.
Article II, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution states, “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”
The U.S. House of Representatives has the power to commence impeachment proceedings. If the House adopts an impeachment resolution, the U.S. Senate conducts a trial and determines whether to convict or acquit. If an official is convicted, he or she is removed from the position and may be barred from holding office again. The official may also face criminal prosecution.
Only two U.S. president have been impeached by the House: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. However, both presidents were acquitted in the Senate. President Richard Nixon resigned before the full House had voted on his impeachment.
This powerful legislative check on executive and judicial wrongdoing is reserved for the most egregious offenses against the U.S. Constitution and the republic.
During the debates of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, James Madison explained the requirement for impeachment: “[S]ome provision should be made for defending the community against the incapacity, negligence, or perfidy of the chief magistrate. He might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression. He might betray his trust to foreign powers.”
In the Federalist Papers (No. 65), Alexander Hamilton wrote that a president should be impeached for “offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated political, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to society itself.”
WND assembled a bipartisan panel of top constitutional experts to evaluate 12 popular arguments for impeaching Obama:
- Chelsea Schilling
It’s not a question yet being asked or debated in the Big Media. But it is a question being addressed by some members of Congress, by an increasing number of pundits by activists on the left and the right – and for more than one or two alleged constitutional offenses.
Some of those who have broached the subject include Reps. Trent Franks, R-Ariz.; Walter Jones, R-N.C.; Trey Radel, R-Fla.; Steve Stockman; former Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas; former Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio; Fox News’ Mike Huckabee; former assistant U.S. attorney Andrew McCarthy; left-leaning investigative reporter Dave Lindorff; talk-radio host Mark Levin; former House Speaker and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich; author and columnist Pat Buchanan and others.
Article II, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution states, “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”
The U.S. House of Representatives has the power to commence impeachment proceedings. If the House adopts an impeachment resolution, the U.S. Senate conducts a trial and determines whether to convict or acquit. If an official is convicted, he or she is removed from the position and may be barred from holding office again. The official may also face criminal prosecution.
Only two U.S. president have been impeached by the House: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. However, both presidents were acquitted in the Senate. President Richard Nixon resigned before the full House had voted on his impeachment.
This powerful legislative check on executive and judicial wrongdoing is reserved for the most egregious offenses against the U.S. Constitution and the republic.
During the debates of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, James Madison explained the requirement for impeachment: “[S]ome provision should be made for defending the community against the incapacity, negligence, or perfidy of the chief magistrate. He might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression. He might betray his trust to foreign powers.”
In the Federalist Papers (No. 65), Alexander Hamilton wrote that a president should be impeached for “offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated political, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to society itself.”
WND assembled a bipartisan panel of top constitutional experts to evaluate 12 popular arguments for impeaching Obama:
Andrew Johnson,
Bill Clinton,
Chelsea Schilling,
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Oath to Support and Defend the Constitution
- Cindy Hammond
Each year thousands of people swear to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and each year millions of people depend on those same people to do just that. There was a day when Duty, Honor and Liberty meant something to each person of the United States of America, and not just on the Fourth of July, our Independence Day. Listed below are the oaths that thousands of people in our military take each year, our Senators and our Representatives every other year, and our President each year. Many of those same people take this oath to heart and are to be commended to it, because they did everything in their power to defend as much of the Constitution as they could, to the best of their ability, including the 1st and 2nd Amendments.
Presidential oath of office
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."State Representative
“I, (name of Member), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God”Senator's Oath of Office
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."The Commissioning Oath
"I, _____ , having been appointed an officer in the (Service) of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God."The Enlistment Oath
"I, _____, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
These days it's hard to know if the youth of today are gleaning any patriotism from their school, their family, and their church. When I was growing up, each school day in our classroom we stood at our desks with our right hand over our heart, and while facing the flag at the front of the room, we said the Pledge of Allegiance. Now we are seeing the deterioration of our country from within our own government, and also with our citizens, the political climate is hostile, the economy is bleak, and our Commander-In-Chief appears to be siding with the enemies of our country, and his enemies are our country's allies. It's time to put the Pledge of Allegiance back in the schools, complete with the part that mentions God, so that our nation will be truly blessed again.
If it weren't for the patriotism of our citizens, our Senators, Representatives, military and our past presidents, this country would not have lasted for 236 years since our Declaration of Independence. The U.S. Constitution has been the rock that provides our country with the stability that it needed to endure wars, depression, and even huge social changes."I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Set aside some time each week to read the U.S. Constitution, and even play the Constitution Game "The Constitution Quest"
Declaration of Independence,
oath of office,
Flags at Obama's inauguration made in Belgium?
The Waelkens flag company, based in the small town of Oostrozebeke in Flanders, supplies around 2,000 flags a year to the United States, with clients including the Pentagon and other U.S. government departments as well as the United Nations.
But it's not just the far side of the Atlantic where the company is gaining ground - it also makes flags for NATO, national militaries, the European Union and just about every country in the world, from China to Nigeria.
"We have a lot of know-how about how we have to make flags and a big tradition of embroidery," said Benedikt Waelkens, who runs the company with his brother, David. "There aren't a lot of people in the world who can and are making handmade flags."
Benedikt said clients keep coming back because of the company's unique flag-making knowledge and its faithfulness to tradition. National and institutional flags have extremely precise guidelines about how they must be made - down to the number of stitches per centimeter and specific fabric shades.
What began in 1928 as a family business making embroidered garments for priests is now, four generations later, an international enterprise with a growing reputation.
Nearly half of Waelkens' flags are embroidered - some even by hand - setting the company apart from competitors who produce printed flags. David believes embroidery carries more symbolism and likens it to art, since a handmade flag can take four or five days to complete.
Benedikt said a large, handmade U.S. flag costs about 400 euros ($540). Waelkens has four-year contracts with the EU, NATO and the United Nations - each of which have scores of buildings and hundreds of ceremonial rooms that fly flags.
Benedikt explains the business in terms of hierarchy: the highest-profile EU or UN officials have the nicest flags in their offices - made of silk, embroidered and with fringe. But below the top, there are hundreds if not thousands of other civil servants who also have banners, albeit of lesser quality.
During the financial crisis in 2007, Waelkens moved its screen printing business to Romania, but the brothers say they want to keep most of the company in Belgium for tradition's sake.
Benedikt wouldn't give details on the privately held company's income but said 2012 was its best year. He attributes the success in part to consolidation in the industry as well as to the company's vertically integrated model - it makes, sells and markets its flags and even produces the flagpoles.
But perhaps the key to the business is its personal, family touch - some of the brothers' current employees also worked for their father and with their grandfather.
"Human capital of the company is the most important thing," said Benedickt. "Happiness of your people, you cannot buy that."
For original article go to: http://www.wkbkradio.com/pages/15473609.php?contentType=4&contentId=12348839
'History and common sense prove that gun-free zones are dangerous'
- Bob Unruh
Weighing in on the current debate in America over the public’s access to self-defense, he told WND that only in a “sheer utopian fantasy” would people expect that “homicidal maniacs” would follow gun laws.
“In Israel teachers and parents, serving as school aides, are armed at all times on school grounds, with semi-automatic weapons. Since this policy was adopted in the 1970s, attacks by gunmen at schools in Israel have ceased,” he said.
“In 2004 Thailand adopted a similar approach for safety of children. It may be politically incorrect, but it does have the advantage of saving the lives of innocent children and teachers. The policy? Encouraging teachers to carry firearms.” he continued.
“On 27 April 2004, the Associated Press reported, ‘Interior Minister Bhokin Bhalakula ordered provincial governors to give teachers licenses to buy guns if they want to even though it would mean bringing firearms into the classrooms when the region’s 925 schools reopen May 17 after two months of summer holiday.’
“Though Thailand’s government is extremely hostile to gun ownership in general, it has recognized that teachers ought to be able to safeguard their students and themselves,” he said.
“Maybe we can learn something from these countries.”
Currently, the Obama administration is offering numerous proposals to ban certain weapons, certain types and generally make the public’s access to firearms more difficult.
Van Wyk’s own story of self-defense – and the defense of the innocent – dates to July 25, 1993 – the day that would become known as the day of the St. James Massacre. That was when terrorists invaded the St. James Church in South Africa with automatic weapons. About a dozen members of the congregation were killed, and dozens more were injured.
But the terrorists fled when Van Wyk, who was carrying a handgun with him, returned fire, injuring one terrorist.
Van Wyk was recognized by authorities with a commendation for his actions, which likely saved dozens, if not hundreds, of lives.
For more of the article go to: http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/church-member-shoots-back-when-terrorists-attack/#lmO348UiadfdKP7C.99
- Bob Unruh
“In Israel teachers and parents, serving as school aides, are armed at all times on school grounds, with semi-automatic weapons. Since this policy was adopted in the 1970s, attacks by gunmen at schools in Israel have ceased”Charl Van Wyk, who carried a gun to a church service, shot back at terrorists bent on mass slaughter and ultimately was credited with saving hundreds of lives, says politicians should rise above the “politically correct” and do what’s right to save the lives of children and teachers.
Weighing in on the current debate in America over the public’s access to self-defense, he told WND that only in a “sheer utopian fantasy” would people expect that “homicidal maniacs” would follow gun laws.
“In Israel teachers and parents, serving as school aides, are armed at all times on school grounds, with semi-automatic weapons. Since this policy was adopted in the 1970s, attacks by gunmen at schools in Israel have ceased,” he said.
“In 2004 Thailand adopted a similar approach for safety of children. It may be politically incorrect, but it does have the advantage of saving the lives of innocent children and teachers. The policy? Encouraging teachers to carry firearms.” he continued.
“On 27 April 2004, the Associated Press reported, ‘Interior Minister Bhokin Bhalakula ordered provincial governors to give teachers licenses to buy guns if they want to even though it would mean bringing firearms into the classrooms when the region’s 925 schools reopen May 17 after two months of summer holiday.’
“Though Thailand’s government is extremely hostile to gun ownership in general, it has recognized that teachers ought to be able to safeguard their students and themselves,” he said.
“Maybe we can learn something from these countries.”
Currently, the Obama administration is offering numerous proposals to ban certain weapons, certain types and generally make the public’s access to firearms more difficult.
Van Wyk’s own story of self-defense – and the defense of the innocent – dates to July 25, 1993 – the day that would become known as the day of the St. James Massacre. That was when terrorists invaded the St. James Church in South Africa with automatic weapons. About a dozen members of the congregation were killed, and dozens more were injured.
But the terrorists fled when Van Wyk, who was carrying a handgun with him, returned fire, injuring one terrorist.
Van Wyk was recognized by authorities with a commendation for his actions, which likely saved dozens, if not hundreds, of lives.
For more of the article go to: http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/church-member-shoots-back-when-terrorists-attack/#lmO348UiadfdKP7C.99
2nd Amendment,
Bob Unruh,
Charl Van Wyk,
gun free zones,
gun rights,
Sign Tea Party petition to defund Obamacare now!
Multiple bills to repeal ObamaCare have been passed by the House of Representatives only to die a quick death in the Democrat controlled Senate. Since all budget bills originate in the House, it's time to take a different tack by preventing the law harming everyday Americans by defunding it.
The cornerstone of Barack Obama's legacy so far is his Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or as it's better known: ObamaCare. ObamaCare is nothing but a government takeover of the healthcare industry! It takes funding from Medicare, increases taxes, and contains an unconstitutional individual mandate that requires every American to purchase insurance! Not only will this eventually lead to the rationing of healthcare and long waits for routine treatments, it sets a dangerous precedent that could eventually lead to the federal takeover of other large segments of the economy!
Health care accounts for nearly 20% of the US economy and by 2014, the Federal government will have taken over most of the industry when ObamaCare is fully implemented. We see through the tricks of leaving the worst of the legislation to take affect after the 2012 election and we need to stop it before America "has a chance to see what's in it'. We will not only be able to see it, we will feel it in the worst way.
Sign the petition to tell your member of Congress and two Senators how you feel and that you will not stand for their inaction to prevent the damage to our economy and healthcare system inflicted by a law passed without the support of the people.
Lawmaker confirms immediate changes in controversial operations- John Griffing
AUSTIN, Texas – Parents of school children across Texas now are gaining access to a previously secret public school curriculum, according to an announcement from a state lawmaker.
The CSCOPE program, an online offering that until now has prohibited, under penalty of law, teachers from sharing the lessons with parents, stirred up controversy because of its various lessons – some that were taken offline after the questions arose.
Among those issues were that the curriculum at one point taught the Boston Tea Party was an act of terrorism and Christians were cannibals, and forced students to draw a socialist flag while imagining a new socialist country.
Teachers also would have been exposed to criminal penalties for sharing CSCOPE lesson content with parents, and educators were required to teach strictly from the CSCOPE lesson plan, without additions or changes.
But Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, whose Texas Senate Education Committee held a public hearing last week investigating CSCOPE, said there now have been “significant changes.”
The Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative, which owns CSCOPE, agreed to the following changes, effectively immediately, he said.
Those include:
The online courses no longer will be mandatory, either, the senator said.
“CSCOPE is notifying all participating school districts that lessons are not intended to be taught verbatim, and the governing board generally recommends that local districts utilize CSCOPE lessons solely as a resource. Until CSCOPE lessons can be reviewed through a collaborative process with the SBOE and TESCCC, districts are strongly encouraged to review all lessons at the local level, to ensure that lessons are appropriate for their students,” the senator’s announcement said.
For more of the article go to: http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/parents-gain-access-to-secret-school-curriculum/#haDUJJeWqCaj2uYG.99
The CSCOPE program, an online offering that until now has prohibited, under penalty of law, teachers from sharing the lessons with parents, stirred up controversy because of its various lessons – some that were taken offline after the questions arose.
Among those issues were that the curriculum at one point taught the Boston Tea Party was an act of terrorism and Christians were cannibals, and forced students to draw a socialist flag while imagining a new socialist country.
Teachers also would have been exposed to criminal penalties for sharing CSCOPE lesson content with parents, and educators were required to teach strictly from the CSCOPE lesson plan, without additions or changes.
But Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, whose Texas Senate Education Committee held a public hearing last week investigating CSCOPE, said there now have been “significant changes.”
The Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative, which owns CSCOPE, agreed to the following changes, effectively immediately, he said.
Those include:
- All future meetings of the TESCCC governing board, beginning with the February meeting, will be public with all the respective notice requirements being met.
- The TESCCC will begin a joint review process of all CSCOPE lessons with the SBOE beginning with Social Studies.
- Amendment of all Terms of Use Agreements, signed by both teachers and districts, removing civil or criminal penalties associated with the release of CSCOPE content.
- Clarifying that all teachers and districts may post any and all CSCOPE lessons that they deem necessary.
The online courses no longer will be mandatory, either, the senator said.
“CSCOPE is notifying all participating school districts that lessons are not intended to be taught verbatim, and the governing board generally recommends that local districts utilize CSCOPE lessons solely as a resource. Until CSCOPE lessons can be reviewed through a collaborative process with the SBOE and TESCCC, districts are strongly encouraged to review all lessons at the local level, to ensure that lessons are appropriate for their students,” the senator’s announcement said.
For more of the article go to: http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/parents-gain-access-to-secret-school-curriculum/#haDUJJeWqCaj2uYG.99
Middle East evangelists report nagging dreams leading to conversions- Michael Carl
“Your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions,” asserts the promise of God from the book of Joel.
Yet some of those men reportedly seeing visions and dreams are neither Jews nor Christians … but Muslims.
What’s more, Middle East evangelists report the dreamers are coming to Christianity because of their visions of Jesus.
According to a CBN report, Christian Middle East evangelist Hazem Farraj’s television program “Reflections” is reaching a large Muslim audience. Farraj told CBN that he hears from Muslims who report having dreams or visions of Jesus.
Tom Doyle, an evangelist, pastor and the E3 Partners Ministry director for the Middle East and Central Asia says it’s true: Muslims are coming to Christianity through dreams and visions.
“Great things are happening in the Muslim world,” Doyle said in an email to WND. “It’s all very unexpected.”
Doyle told WND that he is familiar with Farraj’s program and that Jesus is breaking through where missionaries have not succeeded.
“We’ve been seeing this for 15 years now, where Muslims are no longer Muslims but are Jesus followers,” Doyle said. “It’s someone who is a Christian, someone who is willing to die for Jesus.
“It all started with them with a dream,” Doyle said. “They had a Jesus dream, and some of them had many Jesus dreams. They would seek out Christians after a while because the dreams would get so intense that they wanted an answer.”
Doyle explains there is still a difficult process involved for a Muslim to convert to Christianity, even for those who have the dreams.
“Nobody goes to bed a Muslim and wakes up a Christian,” Doyle said. “They have a couple of barriers between them and Jesus. They’ve been told that Christians worship three gods. They’re told that the Bible is corrupted. It’s just what they’ve been told, kind of a party line rhetoric.”
Yet dreams, Doyle says, become a starting point.
“They’re motivated to find a Bible, find a Christian and ask what this means. Ninety-five percent of the Muslims who are now Jesus followers say that they were led to Christ by someone explaining the dream to them,” Doyle said.
Doyle says he wrote a book called “Dreams and Visions,” in which he recorded a series of real stories from Muslims who follow Christ and who did so because they had a dream about Jesus. He adds that the phenomenon is taking place in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Syria and on the West Bank.
Doyle says he knows of one Muslim who was on a hajj, a pilgrimage to Mecca, and he had a daytime vision of Jesus.
“I met a man yesterday who said he saw a Jesus dream and he didn’t know what to do with it, so he got deeper into his Muslim faith,” Doyle said. “Then he went to Mecca on the hajj, and on the first time around the Kabah, he saw a vision of Jesus standing in front of him.”
Doyle said the man told him Jesus had a message: “You’re on the wrong path; you’re on the wrong road. Leave this place and come follow me.”
“This man is getting baptized in the next few weeks,” Doyle said.
Doyle believes that the phenomenon will continue and that the stories are taking place in countries that the West believes are bad and dangerous places.
Former PLO operative turned Christian and peace activist Walid Shoebat says he believes Jesus is compensating for the weaknesses of the Western Church.
“I had first doubted the countless stories of Muslims becoming Christian as a result of dreams until I met some of them and heard their testimonies,” Shoebat said. “My conclusion to this phenomenon is that Christ succeeds where the church fails.”
Doyle agrees. He says Jesus should get the credit.
For more of the article go to: http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/visions-of-jesus-appearing-to-muslims/#0vxXq8sfWX0Ox8PP.99
Yet some of those men reportedly seeing visions and dreams are neither Jews nor Christians … but Muslims.
What’s more, Middle East evangelists report the dreamers are coming to Christianity because of their visions of Jesus.
According to a CBN report, Christian Middle East evangelist Hazem Farraj’s television program “Reflections” is reaching a large Muslim audience. Farraj told CBN that he hears from Muslims who report having dreams or visions of Jesus.
Tom Doyle, an evangelist, pastor and the E3 Partners Ministry director for the Middle East and Central Asia says it’s true: Muslims are coming to Christianity through dreams and visions.
“Great things are happening in the Muslim world,” Doyle said in an email to WND. “It’s all very unexpected.”
Doyle told WND that he is familiar with Farraj’s program and that Jesus is breaking through where missionaries have not succeeded.
“We’ve been seeing this for 15 years now, where Muslims are no longer Muslims but are Jesus followers,” Doyle said. “It’s someone who is a Christian, someone who is willing to die for Jesus.
“It all started with them with a dream,” Doyle said. “They had a Jesus dream, and some of them had many Jesus dreams. They would seek out Christians after a while because the dreams would get so intense that they wanted an answer.”
Doyle explains there is still a difficult process involved for a Muslim to convert to Christianity, even for those who have the dreams.
“Nobody goes to bed a Muslim and wakes up a Christian,” Doyle said. “They have a couple of barriers between them and Jesus. They’ve been told that Christians worship three gods. They’re told that the Bible is corrupted. It’s just what they’ve been told, kind of a party line rhetoric.”
Yet dreams, Doyle says, become a starting point.
“They’re motivated to find a Bible, find a Christian and ask what this means. Ninety-five percent of the Muslims who are now Jesus followers say that they were led to Christ by someone explaining the dream to them,” Doyle said.
Doyle says he wrote a book called “Dreams and Visions,” in which he recorded a series of real stories from Muslims who follow Christ and who did so because they had a dream about Jesus. He adds that the phenomenon is taking place in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Syria and on the West Bank.
Doyle says he knows of one Muslim who was on a hajj, a pilgrimage to Mecca, and he had a daytime vision of Jesus.
“I met a man yesterday who said he saw a Jesus dream and he didn’t know what to do with it, so he got deeper into his Muslim faith,” Doyle said. “Then he went to Mecca on the hajj, and on the first time around the Kabah, he saw a vision of Jesus standing in front of him.”
Doyle said the man told him Jesus had a message: “You’re on the wrong path; you’re on the wrong road. Leave this place and come follow me.”
“This man is getting baptized in the next few weeks,” Doyle said.
Doyle believes that the phenomenon will continue and that the stories are taking place in countries that the West believes are bad and dangerous places.
Former PLO operative turned Christian and peace activist Walid Shoebat says he believes Jesus is compensating for the weaknesses of the Western Church.
“I had first doubted the countless stories of Muslims becoming Christian as a result of dreams until I met some of them and heard their testimonies,” Shoebat said. “My conclusion to this phenomenon is that Christ succeeds where the church fails.”
Doyle agrees. He says Jesus should get the credit.
For more of the article go to: http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/visions-of-jesus-appearing-to-muslims/#0vxXq8sfWX0Ox8PP.99
'Dreams and Visions',
Hazem Farraj,
Michael Carl,
Tom Doyle,
Friday, February 8, 2013
State Dept. Recruits Muslim Foreign Service Officers at Jihadist Conf.
The Obama administration is covertly recruiting Muslims to work at the State Department as Foreign Service officers representing the United States in one of 265 American embassies, consulates and diplomatic missions worldwide.
It appears to be part of the administration’s Muslim outreach effort, which includes a variety of controversial moves. Among them Homeland Security meetings with extremist Islamic organizations, sending an America-bashing mosque leader (Feisal Abdul Rauf) who blames U.S. foreign policy for the 9/11 attacks on a Middle Eastern outreach mission and revamping the way federal agents are trained to combat terrorism by eliminating all materials that shed a negative light on Muslims. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton even signed a special order to allow the reentry of two radical Islamic academics whose terrorist ties long banned them from the U.S.
Now comes news of a secretive State Department campaign, discovered in the course of a Judicial Watch investigation, to add Muslims to its roster. Presumably, the new recruits will be deployed around the globe to help the agency fulfill its mission of promoting the country’s international relations. The campaign seems to be headed by Mark Ward, the Deputy Special Coordinator in the State Department’s Office of Middle East Transition.
Ward held a 90-minute seminar at a recent convention sponsored by two groups—Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)—with known ties to radical Islam. Both nonprofits are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, which is known as the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda. In fact, the Investigative Project on Terrorism reports that MAS was founded as the U.S. chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood which strives to indoctrinate the world with Islamic Sharia law.
Yet there was a U.S. State Department official, side by side at a radical Islamic powwow in Chicago with a number of speakers who advocate violent jihad. Among them was Kifah Mustapha, a fundraiser at terrorist organization (Holy Land Foundation) convicted of funneling millions to Hamas and Jamal Badawi, a MAS founder who praised the jihad of Gaza terrorists during a speech titled “Understanding Jihad and Martyrdom.”
It appears to be part of the administration’s Muslim outreach effort, which includes a variety of controversial moves. Among them Homeland Security meetings with extremist Islamic organizations, sending an America-bashing mosque leader (Feisal Abdul Rauf) who blames U.S. foreign policy for the 9/11 attacks on a Middle Eastern outreach mission and revamping the way federal agents are trained to combat terrorism by eliminating all materials that shed a negative light on Muslims. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton even signed a special order to allow the reentry of two radical Islamic academics whose terrorist ties long banned them from the U.S.
Now comes news of a secretive State Department campaign, discovered in the course of a Judicial Watch investigation, to add Muslims to its roster. Presumably, the new recruits will be deployed around the globe to help the agency fulfill its mission of promoting the country’s international relations. The campaign seems to be headed by Mark Ward, the Deputy Special Coordinator in the State Department’s Office of Middle East Transition.
Ward held a 90-minute seminar at a recent convention sponsored by two groups—Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)—with known ties to radical Islam. Both nonprofits are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, which is known as the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda. In fact, the Investigative Project on Terrorism reports that MAS was founded as the U.S. chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood which strives to indoctrinate the world with Islamic Sharia law.
Yet there was a U.S. State Department official, side by side at a radical Islamic powwow in Chicago with a number of speakers who advocate violent jihad. Among them was Kifah Mustapha, a fundraiser at terrorist organization (Holy Land Foundation) convicted of funneling millions to Hamas and Jamal Badawi, a MAS founder who praised the jihad of Gaza terrorists during a speech titled “Understanding Jihad and Martyrdom.”
For more of the article go to: http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2013/01/state-dept-recruits-muslim-foreign-service-officers-at-jihadist-conf/
al qaeda,
foreign service,
Holy Land Foundation,
Judicial Watch,
Mark Ward,
Muslim Brotherhood,
sharia law,
State Department
Presidential campaign bundler chaired failed bank seized by feds
- Aaron Klein
WND first exposed that Pritzker is a primary funder of the radical Media Matters for America activist group.
Other questions may be raised about Pritzker’s financial history, primarily her family’s ownership of a bank that was seized and shut down by the feds in 2001 after it was accused of unsound financial activities and predatory lending practices.
Pritzker herself served as chairman of the failed bank, Superior Bank, from 1991-1994.
Last year, Media Matters found itself in hot water after the Daily Caller exposed the group’s purported illicit tactics, including compiling a de facto enemies list; announcing an all-out campaign of “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” aimed at the Fox News Channel; and reportedly seeking to investigate the personal lives of reporters and news personalities.
The information came amid reports White House staffers held regular meetings and even a weekly conference call with Media Matters
- Aaron Klein
President Obama is close to choosing Chicago businesswoman Penny Pritzker, the finance chair of his 2008 presidential campaign, as his next commerce secretary, according to multiple news media accounts.
WND first exposed that Pritzker is a primary funder of the radical Media Matters for America activist group.
Other questions may be raised about Pritzker’s financial history, primarily her family’s ownership of a bank that was seized and shut down by the feds in 2001 after it was accused of unsound financial activities and predatory lending practices.
Pritzker herself served as chairman of the failed bank, Superior Bank, from 1991-1994.
Last year, Media Matters found itself in hot water after the Daily Caller exposed the group’s purported illicit tactics, including compiling a de facto enemies list; announcing an all-out campaign of “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” aimed at the Fox News Channel; and reportedly seeking to investigate the personal lives of reporters and news personalities.
The information came amid reports White House staffers held regular meetings and even a weekly conference call with Media Matters
For more of the article go to: http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/obamas-commerce-pick-is-major-media-matters-funder/#s4Qdm4Hms0vlIEhB.99
Aaron Klein,
Daily Caller,
Fox News,
George Soros,
Media Matters,
Penny Pritzker,
Superior Bank,
Extremist Group Exposed Working With Obama’s Justice Department
- Alex Newman
As if Obama’s politicized Justice Department was not embroiled in enough scandals —Fast and Furious gun-trafficking to Mexican drug cartels, the subsequent coverup and lies, disgraced Attorney General Eric Holder held in criminal contempt of Congress, lawless“legal memos” purporting to justify assassinating U.S. citizens without charge or trial,training police to believe Americans may be terrorists for political activism, and more — there is now yet another travesty to add to the growing list. Documents released recently exposed the department working intimately with one of the most controversial extremist groups in America.
E-mails released last Tuesday by the non-partisan Judicial Watch group showed that Obama’s increasingly out-of-control Department of Justice was collaborating closely with the ultra-leftist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). To make matters worse, hate-mongering propaganda issued by the widely criticized organization — ridiculed and blasted by critics as a discredited far-left attack group — was implicated last year in an attempted mass-shooting at the conservative-leaning Family Research Councilheadquarters in Washington, D.C.
After the failed terror attack scheme to murder FRC employees, concerned conservatives and even some homosexual groups all across America expressed increasing alarm over the dangerous rhetoric and propaganda distributed by the SPLC, equating mainstream pro-family and Christian groups with the organizations like KKK, neo-Nazis, and terrorists, for example. The SPLC and its hysterical attacks were immediately thrust into the spotlight — especially after it was revealed that the shooter and would-be terrorist used the organization’s “hate map” propaganda to select his target.
"Let me be clear that [attempted mass-murderer] Floyd Corkins was responsible for firing the shot yesterday," said FRC President Perkins after the shooting, which injured a security guard who promptly subdued the unhinged individual before he could go on his intended killing spree. "But Corkins was given a license to shoot an unarmed man by organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center that have been reckless in labeling organizations hate groups because they disagree with them on public policy."
After the shooting at the pro-family organization by the deranged homosexual activist, Judicial Watch decided to find out how much influence the SPLC had on government agencies. So, it filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act to find out. The correspondence it received between the discredited organization and Obama’s DOJ revealed several controversies. Among them: “questionable behavior by agency personnel” during negotiations to have disgraced SPLC co-founder Morris Dees speak at a mandatory “diversity training event” for high-ranking federal officials, the public interest watchdog explained.
“The Southern Poverty Law Center has, in the past few years, taken to labeling organizations with conservative views on social issues as ‘hate groups,’” explained Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, citing widely held concerns among Americans over the SPLC’s oftentimes slanderous attacks on mainstream and popular groups with which it disagrees. “Given these fawning e-mails, one would have thought that a head of state was visiting the Justice Department.”
The almost two-dozen pages of e-mails revealed that SPLC co-founder Morris Dees, who has come under heavy criticism fromacross the political spectrum as a con-artist, fraud, hate monger, and more, was supposed to have his speech at the DOJ “simulcast to everyone’s PC throughout the Department.” DOJ officials working with the SPLC, as is evident throughout the chain of correspondence, regard the controversial figure as an “inspiration” — even for young children.
To Judicial Watch and numerous other organizations, however, such treatment is highly inappropriate considering the “civil rights” group’s inflammatory propaganda. “The SPLC is an attack group, and it is disturbing that it has premier access to our Department of Justice, which is charged with protecting the First Amendment rights of all Americans,” noted JW chief Fitton. “And these emails further confirm that politically correct ‘mandatory’ diversity training programs are a waste of taxpayer money.”
Conservative, Christian, and libertarian activists and organizations have long been alarmed by the SPLC’s shameful attacks on loyal Americans and the group’s efforts to spread potentially dangerous disinformation among the law-enforcement community. In fact, The New American has spent considerable space in its magazine exposing the SPLC, especially to educate law-enforcement officials about the false and misleading propaganda the organization disseminates. But liberty-minded and socially conservative forces are not the only ones suspicious of the far-left group and its co-founder.
For more of the article go to: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/item/14465-extremist-group-exposed-working-with-obama%25E2%2580%2599s-justice-department
As if Obama’s politicized Justice Department was not embroiled in enough scandals —Fast and Furious gun-trafficking to Mexican drug cartels, the subsequent coverup and lies, disgraced Attorney General Eric Holder held in criminal contempt of Congress, lawless“legal memos” purporting to justify assassinating U.S. citizens without charge or trial,training police to believe Americans may be terrorists for political activism, and more — there is now yet another travesty to add to the growing list. Documents released recently exposed the department working intimately with one of the most controversial extremist groups in America.
E-mails released last Tuesday by the non-partisan Judicial Watch group showed that Obama’s increasingly out-of-control Department of Justice was collaborating closely with the ultra-leftist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). To make matters worse, hate-mongering propaganda issued by the widely criticized organization — ridiculed and blasted by critics as a discredited far-left attack group — was implicated last year in an attempted mass-shooting at the conservative-leaning Family Research Councilheadquarters in Washington, D.C.
After the failed terror attack scheme to murder FRC employees, concerned conservatives and even some homosexual groups all across America expressed increasing alarm over the dangerous rhetoric and propaganda distributed by the SPLC, equating mainstream pro-family and Christian groups with the organizations like KKK, neo-Nazis, and terrorists, for example. The SPLC and its hysterical attacks were immediately thrust into the spotlight — especially after it was revealed that the shooter and would-be terrorist used the organization’s “hate map” propaganda to select his target.
"Let me be clear that [attempted mass-murderer] Floyd Corkins was responsible for firing the shot yesterday," said FRC President Perkins after the shooting, which injured a security guard who promptly subdued the unhinged individual before he could go on his intended killing spree. "But Corkins was given a license to shoot an unarmed man by organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center that have been reckless in labeling organizations hate groups because they disagree with them on public policy."
After the shooting at the pro-family organization by the deranged homosexual activist, Judicial Watch decided to find out how much influence the SPLC had on government agencies. So, it filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act to find out. The correspondence it received between the discredited organization and Obama’s DOJ revealed several controversies. Among them: “questionable behavior by agency personnel” during negotiations to have disgraced SPLC co-founder Morris Dees speak at a mandatory “diversity training event” for high-ranking federal officials, the public interest watchdog explained.
“The Southern Poverty Law Center has, in the past few years, taken to labeling organizations with conservative views on social issues as ‘hate groups,’” explained Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, citing widely held concerns among Americans over the SPLC’s oftentimes slanderous attacks on mainstream and popular groups with which it disagrees. “Given these fawning e-mails, one would have thought that a head of state was visiting the Justice Department.”
The almost two-dozen pages of e-mails revealed that SPLC co-founder Morris Dees, who has come under heavy criticism fromacross the political spectrum as a con-artist, fraud, hate monger, and more, was supposed to have his speech at the DOJ “simulcast to everyone’s PC throughout the Department.” DOJ officials working with the SPLC, as is evident throughout the chain of correspondence, regard the controversial figure as an “inspiration” — even for young children.
To Judicial Watch and numerous other organizations, however, such treatment is highly inappropriate considering the “civil rights” group’s inflammatory propaganda. “The SPLC is an attack group, and it is disturbing that it has premier access to our Department of Justice, which is charged with protecting the First Amendment rights of all Americans,” noted JW chief Fitton. “And these emails further confirm that politically correct ‘mandatory’ diversity training programs are a waste of taxpayer money.”
Conservative, Christian, and libertarian activists and organizations have long been alarmed by the SPLC’s shameful attacks on loyal Americans and the group’s efforts to spread potentially dangerous disinformation among the law-enforcement community. In fact, The New American has spent considerable space in its magazine exposing the SPLC, especially to educate law-enforcement officials about the false and misleading propaganda the organization disseminates. But liberty-minded and socially conservative forces are not the only ones suspicious of the far-left group and its co-founder.
For more of the article go to: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/item/14465-extremist-group-exposed-working-with-obama%25E2%2580%2599s-justice-department
Alex Newman,
Family Research Center,
Floyd Corkins,
Justice Department,
Southern Poverty Law Center,
The New American
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