No matter where you look, the news is the same--guns are flying off the shelves, bulk ammo can't be found, and applications for concealed permits are going up, up, up.
Just look at Florida, the state in which the huge national push for concealed carry began in earnest in the late 1980s. In 2012, in the Sunshine State, the number of background checks for gun purchases was 797,970. Which is 200,000 higher than it was in 2011, and double what it was in 2004.
In short, Americans have weighed in on the gun debate and the winners are the right to keep and bear arms and the duty of self-defense.
And the trend is actually toward a higher number in 2013. Florida set a state record in December 2012 with 131,103 background checks in that one month alone.
At guns shows from Virginia to California--yes, California--the story is the same as well: people are flooding into gun shows at a record pace. On January 5 alone, 6,000 people"filed through the Ontario Convention Center" in California by the afternoon. That figure is "more than double" the number that was expected to attend the entire two-day gun show.
And in other states across the union--states as divergent as Colorado, Oregon,Georgia, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina--concealed permit applications are skyrocketing.
The bottom line: gun control politicians ensconced behind the wall of protection afforded them by armed guard upon armed guard are completely out of touch with the average American father who understands it's his duty to protect his family from danger; they can't relate to the single mom who sleeps with a .38 Special close at hand because she must protect her kids in the night; and they have nothing in common with the elderly couple whose home is no longer in the good part of town, and who fall asleep every night wondering if the gun shots they hear are getting closer.
But Americans understand. And right now, they're expressing their views on such things by buying guns and ammo, then meeting the legal requirements for concealed carry in their respective states.
If we are to be free, we must be armed.
Photo credit: Columbia Daily Tribune
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