And his timing is just a bit suspect; the day before meeting with the NRA, Biden will be meeting with gun control organizations and shooting victims. Presumably, his welcome for the NRA will be somewhat less hearty.
The NRA, under heavy public pressure thanks to the White House’s bully tactics after the Sandy Hook massacre, said it would visit the White House to “hear what they have to say.”
This is all a dog and pony show, of course. The Washington Post has already reported that the administration wants a broad swath of gun legislation; Democratic Congresspeople proposed eight separate gun bills on the first day of the term; and Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston, who co-chairs Mayors Against Illegal Guns with nanny Mayor Michael Bloomberg, said that Biden promised him action before the end of January.
So why is the NRA visiting? Because the White House has given them no other public relations choice. President Obama has singled the group out for criticism. The White House’s media lackeys, including David Gregory of NBC News, have grilled the NRA, asking them to back off their organization’s stated mission.
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