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Thursday, February 14, 2013
Monday, February 11, 2013
Radical group previously gave strong support to president
In a radio interview, Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin called for the impeachment of President Obama over his policy of permitting drone strikes on American citizens overseas who are members of terrorist organizations.
On WABC Radio’s “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” Sunday, Benjamin affirmed she believes the drone warfare is an impeachable offense.
She said she would go even further and “broaden” a ban on drone strikes to “end the killing of innocent people overseas in countries where we are not at war without any kind of transparency or accountability.”
Asked Klein: “So would you then call, as the co-founder of Code Pink, for the impeachment of President Obama based on these alleged crimes?”
“Sure,” Benjamin responded. “Just like I called for President Obama and George Bush to be taken to the International Criminal Court for war crimes, but it’s not going to happen.”
In a radio interview, Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin called for the impeachment of President Obama over his policy of permitting drone strikes on American citizens overseas who are members of terrorist organizations.
On WABC Radio’s “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” Sunday, Benjamin affirmed she believes the drone warfare is an impeachable offense.
She said she would go even further and “broaden” a ban on drone strikes to “end the killing of innocent people overseas in countries where we are not at war without any kind of transparency or accountability.”
Asked Klein: “So would you then call, as the co-founder of Code Pink, for the impeachment of President Obama based on these alleged crimes?”
“Sure,” Benjamin responded. “Just like I called for President Obama and George Bush to be taken to the International Criminal Court for war crimes, but it’s not going to happen.”
For more of the article go to: http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/even-code-pink-wants-obama-impeached/#jzlJsXflFMEclHf8.99
Aaron Klein,
Code Pink,
Medea Benjamin,
Investigator: Obama's Homeland Security Forms Cyber Army To Target Anti-Obama Sites

Private Investigator Doug Haggman: Obama's DHS Cyber Army Targets Anti-Obama Sites - VIDEO BELOW: - Hat tip SA.
You can listen to the full TruNews interview by clicking here. Read Haggman's full report on Obama's cyber army by clicking here.
For more of the article go to: http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2013/02/obamas-homeland-security-forms-cyber-army.html
cyber army,
Doug Haggman,
- Ben Shapiro
Alleged cop killer and former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner may be suspected in the shootings of five people, including three other police officers, but his support base is growing on Facebook. One Facebook page has 3,000 fans; its title: “I Support Christopher Jordan Dorner.” Another suggests that Dorner run for president: “We propose electing a man who could no longer sit idly by and watch as malicious tyrants abused the innocent.”
The worst, though, is a new page titled, “LAPD Cop Killer Christopher Dorner Is A Hero.” It has 193 likes, and features a picture of a dead police officer. The host comments: “I continue to learn from the posts that good people are sharing about systematic injustice. Thank you again to everyone who is taking this discussion seriously and posting resources for everyone to read.”
One Christopher Dorner fan page now has 556 members. Another has 313 likes. Still another has 1,266 likes. “We Are All Chris Dorner,” says yet another page, with the caption: “Christopher Jordan Dorner is the victim of a manhunt and smear campaign. 5 years ago he was fired from the LAPD for seeking to expose corruption within it …”
Alleged cop killer and former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner may be suspected in the shootings of five people, including three other police officers, but his support base is growing on Facebook. One Facebook page has 3,000 fans; its title: “I Support Christopher Jordan Dorner.” Another suggests that Dorner run for president: “We propose electing a man who could no longer sit idly by and watch as malicious tyrants abused the innocent.”
The worst, though, is a new page titled, “LAPD Cop Killer Christopher Dorner Is A Hero.” It has 193 likes, and features a picture of a dead police officer. The host comments: “I continue to learn from the posts that good people are sharing about systematic injustice. Thank you again to everyone who is taking this discussion seriously and posting resources for everyone to read.”
One Christopher Dorner fan page now has 556 members. Another has 313 likes. Still another has 1,266 likes. “We Are All Chris Dorner,” says yet another page, with the caption: “Christopher Jordan Dorner is the victim of a manhunt and smear campaign. 5 years ago he was fired from the LAPD for seeking to expose corruption within it …”
For more of the article go to: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2013/02/09/Facebook-fan-pages-Chris-Dorner
Ben Shapiro,
- Joel B. Pollak
Normally, we at Breitbart News ignore the Huffington Post. It is self-consciously leftist, so there is little point in highlighting its rather comical bias, except when that bias filters into the mainstream media. Sunday night was just such an occasion, when HuffoPo ran two stories in succession that neatly captured the lickspittle mentality of the mainstream media towards President Barack Obama, and the danger it holds for our democracy.
The first story was headlined, “Obsessed.” It described the promised by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to block the confirmations of former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan to the posts of Secretary of Defense and CIA Director, respectively, unless the Obama administration fully explained the president’s actions during the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on Sep. 11.
Graham is no wide-eyed ideologue. Many conservatives consider him a squish on core issues. (I was once present to hear Graham address a gathering of high-dollar donors. He admonished them about the need to address climate change, even using the odd term “carbon pollution” to describe fossil fuel use. One irritated donor turned to me and whispered: “That sound you hear is checkbooks slamming shut across the nation.”)
Yet Graham takes foreign policy very seriously, as well as the fate of Americans serving abroad. He has, after all, been one of them. In pursuing answers on Benghazi, he is doing what the mainstream media ought to have done, and what the nation wants to be done. He is also answering Obama’s challenge in November: “If Sen. McCain and Sen. Graham and others want to go after somebody [on Libya], they should go after me.”
The first story was headlined, “Obsessed.” It described the promised by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to block the confirmations of former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan to the posts of Secretary of Defense and CIA Director, respectively, unless the Obama administration fully explained the president’s actions during the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on Sep. 11.
Graham is no wide-eyed ideologue. Many conservatives consider him a squish on core issues. (I was once present to hear Graham address a gathering of high-dollar donors. He admonished them about the need to address climate change, even using the odd term “carbon pollution” to describe fossil fuel use. One irritated donor turned to me and whispered: “That sound you hear is checkbooks slamming shut across the nation.”)
Yet Graham takes foreign policy very seriously, as well as the fate of Americans serving abroad. He has, after all, been one of them. In pursuing answers on Benghazi, he is doing what the mainstream media ought to have done, and what the nation wants to be done. He is also answering Obama’s challenge in November: “If Sen. McCain and Sen. Graham and others want to go after somebody [on Libya], they should go after me.”
foreign policy,
Huffington Post,
Joel B Pollak,
Senator Lindsey Graham,
"And Obama, look at him. He cares about the children... Screw you! You don’t think we care about the children?”
For original article go to: http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2013/02/05/Ann-Coulter-To-Obama-Screw-You
'screw you',
Ann Coulter,
gun control,
Sean Hannity,
universal registration
- Matthew Boyle
In at least the second such encounter in recent weeks, the social media website Facebook has run into issues with conservatives posting information that has caused the site to block Tea Partiers from posting--at least temporarily.
Now, Facebook blocked two stay-at-home Tea Party moms from posting material that’s pro-conservative and critical of liberals including President Barack Obama, Breitbart News has learned. The two moms--Patty and Lisa (they requested Breitbart News not use their last names, as they have “received death threats on our page and would prefer to remain somewhat anonymous”)--have had some issues with regard to posting materials that have gotten caught up in Facebook’s web, starting as early as October 2012.
Then, Patty posted a Breitbart News article, and the photograph contained within the article, on their “100 Percent FED Up” page. The article and photograph were about Rapper Snoop Dogg, and how he tweeted out a picture of a handwritten note containing reasons why somebody should vote for President Barack Obama for re-election.
Merely posting that article from Breitbart News and the photograph with it--with no editorial commentary of her own--earned Patty a three-day block from posting any content on Facebook. Official warnings popped up on her screen advising her that she violated Facebook’s “Community Standards.”
A few months later, Patty posted a photograph of Adolf Hitler bearing the text: “Never forget what this tyrant said: 'To conquer a nation first disarm its citizens.' - Adolf Hitler." Hitler actually said that, but Patty was blocked then for seven days (she ended up getting it reduced to approximately five days by contacting support) from Facebook.
Then, Wednesday evening this week, Patty posted the home address and contact information of Gracia C. Martore, the president and CEO of Gannett. Gannett publishes theJournal News newspaper in New York that recently printed a list of firearms owners’ personal information. Facebook blocked Patty for 30 days, as of Wednesday night, for that post.
As of late Thursday, she remained blocked and could not post anything on Facebook except for private messages.
But Facebook spokesman Fred Wolens told Breitbart News what happened was a mistake on the social media company’s part, and the company plans to fix the issue as fast as they can. With regard to the first two instances--the Snoop Dogg story and the Hitler photo--Wolens told Breitbart News that his team couldn’t find specific records of those blocks. “While we couldn't find the photos from the first two examples, if they were posted as described, they would not violate our policies,” Wolens said.
With the Gannett CEO photo information, Wolens said Facebook found the example and has determined that block to be a mistake. “[That] block was a mistake on our part, and we will follow up with our User Operations team to make sure this does not happen again,” Wolens said. “Additionally, we will reach out to the Page admins to communicate this error.”
Wolens added that “these actions are not politically motivated in any way.”
In at least the second such encounter in recent weeks, the social media website Facebook has run into issues with conservatives posting information that has caused the site to block Tea Partiers from posting--at least temporarily.
Then, Patty posted a Breitbart News article, and the photograph contained within the article, on their “100 Percent FED Up” page. The article and photograph were about Rapper Snoop Dogg, and how he tweeted out a picture of a handwritten note containing reasons why somebody should vote for President Barack Obama for re-election.
Merely posting that article from Breitbart News and the photograph with it--with no editorial commentary of her own--earned Patty a three-day block from posting any content on Facebook. Official warnings popped up on her screen advising her that she violated Facebook’s “Community Standards.”
A few months later, Patty posted a photograph of Adolf Hitler bearing the text: “Never forget what this tyrant said: 'To conquer a nation first disarm its citizens.' - Adolf Hitler." Hitler actually said that, but Patty was blocked then for seven days (she ended up getting it reduced to approximately five days by contacting support) from Facebook.
Then, Wednesday evening this week, Patty posted the home address and contact information of Gracia C. Martore, the president and CEO of Gannett. Gannett publishes theJournal News newspaper in New York that recently printed a list of firearms owners’ personal information. Facebook blocked Patty for 30 days, as of Wednesday night, for that post.
As of late Thursday, she remained blocked and could not post anything on Facebook except for private messages.
But Facebook spokesman Fred Wolens told Breitbart News what happened was a mistake on the social media company’s part, and the company plans to fix the issue as fast as they can. With regard to the first two instances--the Snoop Dogg story and the Hitler photo--Wolens told Breitbart News that his team couldn’t find specific records of those blocks. “While we couldn't find the photos from the first two examples, if they were posted as described, they would not violate our policies,” Wolens said.
With the Gannett CEO photo information, Wolens said Facebook found the example and has determined that block to be a mistake. “[That] block was a mistake on our part, and we will follow up with our User Operations team to make sure this does not happen again,” Wolens said. “Additionally, we will reach out to the Page admins to communicate this error.”
Wolens added that “these actions are not politically motivated in any way.”
'100 Percent FED Up',
Gracia C. Martore,
Journal News,
Matthew Boyle,
Tea Party Moms
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