Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Right Of Armed Self-defense Against Tyranny NOT Negotiable, Mr. Obama

- George Spelvin

Angry Obama SC Right of armed self defense against tyranny NOT negotiable, Mr. Obama
A nationwide appeal has been sent to gun owners and their families asking they go to their state capitol this Saturday, January 19, from noon to 3 p. m. to show support for our 2nd Amendment rights. In Florida, gun owners are asked to meet in the “middle of the state” at noon, at the Hernando County Fairgrounds, 6436 Broad St., Brooksville, FL 334601.

This urgent call to action is in response to the Barack Obama/Joe Biden/Dianne Feinstein legislative aim of imposing bans on arbitrarily selected groups of firearms and accessories. One North Carolina police lieutenant warns internet audiences that ”We’re in huge trouble.” A devout Christian, the 31 year police veteran tells listeners that “I cry. . .when guns are gone, you won’t be able to worship the Creator. ..gone. . .Freedoms gone.”

An officer who lives near the site of the Sandy Hook killings is concerned that “We are being set up to confiscate our guns. . .we can’t back away. . .these people are coming at us head on. . .we must tell our legislators…we will not tolerate confiscation or ban[s] on our guns.”

When asked what he thought about Obama wanting to take our guns, an elderly veteran at a Florida rec hall said “That’s not happening.” Quoting the soldier’s oath, he said. . .”to defend [the Constitution of the United States] against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” He emphasized domestic.

Firearms trainer and consultant Kelly Alwood would agree with the old soldier. “[Without the Second Amendment] there is no way to resist the government voiding all other amendments,” said Alwood during an interview with the Blaze. “Why should [the government] continue to give you your freedom of speech if there is no one to stop them? It [the 2nd Amendment] is the only safeguard we have to protect us from a tyrannical government.”

For more of the article go to:

1 comment:

  1. The fraud enacts 20+ executive orders!!! Will you and the rest of our lame congress finally take impeachment action? If not have the balls to call him on the fact that he violates his own law shown in his obamacare. Make any law contingent on him proving his eligibility of office!!! If he is so heartened by this then he should want to prove his eligibilty to get these laws passed for these kids that his heart so fakingly goes out to! Plus first to go is all protection for his family!!! My family is just as important to me as his is to him!!
    LORD Obama flips congress the bird, Congress responds by bending over and enjoying it!!
    Take action or resign!!!!
    There's the 2nd ammendment... next month is the 1st ammendment!!! Congress as usual bending over and enjoying it!! People stand up and vote everyone of these spineless communists out of office and replace them with someone who will represent you!!!
