Sunday, January 20, 2013


- Andy Borowitz

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Fox News Channel announced today that it would shut down for what it called “routine maintenance” Monday morning at 11:30 E.T.

Fox News president Roger Ailes explained the timing of the shutdown, which will be the first in the history of the network: “We wanted to pick a time when we were positive nothing would be happening that our viewers would want to see.”

Mr. Ailes said that Fox had considered shutting down only once before, exactly four years earlier on January 20, 2009, and later regretted the decision to continue broadcasting that day: “It turned out that no Fox viewers wanted to watch TV that day. And I mean none.”


Exclusive: Rick Santorum lists President Obama's constitutional violations  
- Rick Santorum

President Obama’s announcement last week on his plans to make sweeping changes to our nation’s gun laws by presidential executive order is yet another example of his continual disregard for the United States Constitution and the separation of powers it set forth to protect the American people from government by fiat.

Putting aside for a moment the misdirected emphasis on gun ownership, as opposed to mental illness and cultural glorification of violence to curb gun crime, President Obama’s actions represent another attempt to circumvent Congress – a Congress elected by the people but controlled by Republicans – to establish public policy that supports his liberal agenda.

As we all learn early on in grade-school civics class, one of the most important and distinguishing aspects of our government is the system of checks and balances. Our Founding Fathers created a system of divided government, where the power at the federal government is separated among three distinct branches: the legislative (Congress), the executive (the president) and the judiciary (the Supreme Court).

Yet time and time again, when President Obama has met resistance from Congress, the check on his powers in the executive branch, he has found ways to circumvent our system and impose his views and vision.


Coming conference dishes details on how to be effective in battle
- Bob Unruh

Tired of federal mandates on issues such as health care? Concerned about the nation’s future with an aggressive White House agenda to ban guns? Worried about the constant rampant spending on phantom projects? Just plain tired of Barack Obama’s idea of America?

There’s a conference coming – studded with high-profile speakers such as Monica Crowley, John O’Sullivan, Phyllis Schlafly and Marshall Teague – that’s just for you. It will teach you how to engage in the political and social battles, and organizers say it will teach you to come out the victor.

Hosted by the Constitution Coalition, events at the Educational Policy Conference are scheduled Jan. 24-26 at the Hilton in St. Louis, and organizer Donna Hearne told WND the issue isn’t complicated, and those who are familiar with America’s founders, founding documents and history already know all about it.

It’s that America as a nation was set up and intended for a “moral people.”

But now, she said, “America is facing a poverty of information on our founding principles, so severe that it threatens the future of freedom.”

General information about the conference is on the website, but for attendance plans, please call 636-386-1789.

“What we’re attempting to do is reacquaint people with the full depth of why the First Amendment was so important. … Why we as Americans need to be very familiar with it, as well as be able to explain it,” she said.


- Ben Shapiro

Today, Barack Obama’s re-election campaign website announced that his campaign organization, Obama for America, would be shifting over into a 501(c)4 political action organization: Organizing for America. In an email sent by Obama himself, the President wrote:
Benjamin --

Today, a new grassroots organization is being launched: Organizing for Action.

Following in the footsteps of the campaign you built, Organizing for Action will be an unparalleled force in American politics. It will work to turn our shared values into legislative action -- and it'll empower the next generation of leaders in our movement.

Michelle recorded a video to tell you more about the new organization -- take a look and let OFA know you're in.

For more of Obama's revealing  email and the article go to:


- John Nolte

On Thursday, while looking wistfully back at Obama's first four years, NBC News accidentally did some actual reporting. In a First Read article that opened with the question, "Is the nation better off than it was four years ago," senior political director, Mark Murray, did something that neither he, nor NBC News, nor the mainstream media was willing to do during this last presidential campaign: report on Obama's record.

But there it finally was: The Truth -- and from NBC News, no less. Poverty's up (from 43.6 million to 46.2 million), middle class incomes are down ($50k compared to $52k), the deficit's exploded (from $10 trillion to $16 trillion), food stamp recipients have skyrocketed (33.5 million to 46.6 million), unemployment hasn't budged, and the same number of people are without health insurance today as there were in 2009.

Still, NBC News couldn’t even bring itself to report the most damning Obamanomics numbers: a population so despondent by a lack of jobs that enough people have dropped out to shrink the labor market to levels unseen since the 1980s. A chronic long-term unemployment problem unseen in this country since World War II. An unemployment rate disproportionately savaging blacks and Hispanics.

Where was all this news during the 2012 campaign when Obama was applying for a promotion and Romney was applying to replace him?

For more of the article go to:


- Tony Lee
On August 1, 2009--just seven months into President Barack Obama’s first term--former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin predicted Obama would attempt to leverage health care to "take away" the Second Amendment rights of Americans.

In a speech to National Rifle Association members in Anchorage, Alaska, Palin said Americans should be “wary” of this “tie-in” because Obama would attempt to “take away our rights under the guise of some new health care plan”:
And by the way, [with] health care being so big in D.C. right now, be wary when some kind of tie-in occurs. Because it will crop up: a tie-in with guns in an attempt to take away our rights under the guise of some new health care plan. You know that this is coming--that the two issues will somehow crop up and they'll be tied together. So we have to be very wary of that.

On Wednesday--more than three years after Palin’s warning--Obama did exactly what the former governor forecasted.

Ted Nugent on Obama

‘When a man, can dictate to another man, an unarmed helplessness, such a dictator is dangerous’
- Mike Piccione

Ted Nugent, the 64-year-old rock star and NRA board member, unloaded his opinion on current gun control measures, America’s elected leaders and gun-free zones to the team at while at the annual SHOT show.

The SHOT show, which is being held this year in Las Vegas, is the nation’s largest shooting industry trade show, with approximately 60,000 attendees.

Nugent was a veritable gun-rights quote machine at the event.

“If you want another Concord Bridge, I’ve got some buddies,” he said. “Anyone who questions the most basic fundamental right of self-defense is a dangerous, freedom threatening, scary person that we must beat down.”

On gun free zones: “What kind of subhuman mongrel would want more of that?”

On the New York gun control measure: “When you are forced into unarmed helplessness, and your firepower is restricted, then evil will do with you what they want to do with you.” (RELATED: New York gun law mistakenly bans cops from carrying most of their weapons)

Understanding Obama And The Liberal Mindset

- Joe Nathan Dewight

You can’t! It will drive you crazy if you try. If you have an IQ that is even slightly higher than that of a donkey, you will try to use logic, reason, and reality. All of those concepts are lost on the Liberals.

Monday, I watched Obama address the Nation; and if I didn’t know better, I would have thought it was a comedy show. It reminded me of the old Mork and Mindy sitcom from about 1975. Nothing Obama was saying had anything to do with the real world. It was like he was watching one show and we were watching a different show, but he just assumed that everyone always watched the same shows that he does. He had been watching and was talking about “Snow White”, but we had been watching “The Three Little Pigs”.

For example, he said that Congress has never blocked the raising of the debt ceiling like the Republicans are doing now. He went on to say that even when it was a Republican trying to raise the debt ceiling, the Democrats did not offer any resistance. DUH! Of course they didn’t. The Democrats have never had a debt ceiling they didn’t want to raise.

I’m sure you noticed that he didn’t say that the Democrats have never fought a Republican President about the debt ceiling, but he said the Democrats have never fought a President when he wanted to raise the debt ceiling.

So if you try to understand Obama and the Liberal mindset, you cannot use your logic, reason, or sense of reality if you want to remain a Conservative. Because once you stop using logic, reason, and reality, you become just another Democrat.

Can An Oath Of Office Be Treason?

- Gerald Todd
Obama Official Portrait SC Can an Oath of Office be Treason?
In an era where lying has become an art form, is it possible to hold those who take a solemn oath to protect and defend the Constitution to that pledge of honor and responsibility?

The oath to be taken by the president on first entering office is specified in Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.
The Constitution (Article VI, clause 3) requires that Senators and Representatives take an oath of office to support the Constitution. It reads:
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
The military officer’s oath is similar. Solemn oaths are very serious business; an elected or hired official or military officer takes within his or her hands power over the lives and welfare of one person, or 350 million.
The Presidential oath being taken on January 21, 2013 must discern where the officeholder’s heart is and what level of power he lusts for. The same holds true for all who dare make that solemn promise while looking into 350 million pairs of eyes…
For more of the article go to:

Mark Levin: A Neurosurgeon Calls In About Death Panels

If you are over 70 and need stroke care, they are not going to treat you, they are going to give you “comfort care”. You must listen to this Neurosurgeon speaking out. It is scary.

Students Subjected To “White Privilege” Propaganda

Obama Running Low On Fuel White Guilt SC Students subjected to White privilege propaganda- Christopher Agee

By now, it should come as no surprise that America’s public schools are being used primarily for the dissemination of radical leftist ideology to the next generation.

Well-meaning parents are too often completely uninformed about the vile indoctrination their children receive from teachers and administrators.

For example, most traditional parents instill in their children the sentiment of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who dreamed of a day children “will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

One school in Wisconsin, however, is teaching students to pay special attention to skin color and how Caucasians supposedly benefit from “white privilege.”

The school calls its course “American Diversity,” though a cursory perusal of accompanying material shows that the true intent is to incite hatred and jealousy against whites.

Students are given leftist propaganda, including an article by a University of Texas professor describing “the fiction that people have control over their fate,” adding “I will carry this privilege with me until the day white supremacy is erased from society.”


'Do not patronize the passionate supporters of your opponents by looking down your nose at them'

(Politico) Former President Bill Clinton warned a group of top Democratic donors at a private Saturday meeting not to underestimate the passions that gun control stirs among many Americans.

“Do not patronize the passionate supporters of your opponents by looking down your nose at them,” Clinton said.

“A lot of these people live in a world very different from the world lived in by the people proposing these things,” Clinton said. “I know because I come from this world.


 Vice president's claim to have overheard school shooting questioned 

(WASHINGTONTIMES) — Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s claim that he heard the gunshots of a 2006 school massacre while playing golf is raising questions about his veracity or his memory.

Mr. Biden told a meeting of mayors in Washington Thursday that he was about a quarter-mile away from an Amish schoolhouse on Oct. 2, 2006, when a gunman shot and killed five students and wounded five others.

“I happened to be literally — probably, it turned out, to be a quarter of a mile [away] at an outing when I heard gunshots in the woods,” Mr. Biden recounted. “We didn’t know … we thought they were hunters.”

But a search of maps of the area in Lancaster County, Pa., shows the nearest golf course to the site of the shooting, Moccasin Run Golf Club, is about five miles away. Rodney King, the golf pro at Moccasin Run, said Friday he was working at the course on the day of the shooting and never saw Mr. Biden, who was then a U.S. senator.
For more of the article go to: